Recovery 101 - a possibility?

by Lady Lee 43 Replies latest members private

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I just put up the introduction

    Captive Hearts, Captive Minds: Introduction

    Thanks Gary. Just found out that my doctor won't be in until the 21 of January. I'm not amused. So I will have to see one of her colleagues. I have met this Dr before and was impressed by him. And the swelling is downa bit from last night so that is good.

  • wednesday

    wow I wasn't even close to murgatroid

  • wednesday

    Is the author still alive? I called Hunter and they said only the author had rights over it. They said they had received several calls about it. How long ago was it printed? I will be able to get a copy b/c I can get it from the library

    I wonder why she no longer wants it in print?

    This is going to help a lot of people, Lee. I guess you have found some way to spend your time and help others. Can't ask much more than that.

  • wednesday
    No it isn't good. And the Dr last night was just as mystfied as all the other Dr's I've seen. I do have a great Dr but without a diagnosis it is really hard to treat. Basicly we are just trying to keep the symptoms (swelling and pain) to a minimum. The hard thing for me is that no one knows what is going on.

    Has your doctor considered a diagnosis of RSD? unusual pain, swelling , numbness, tingling loss of sensation, the area may feel cooler to touch than other body parts. you don't need all those symptoms, if you have pain ,swelling and the area is cooler, you can bet it is RSD. There is more, but if you injure a body part, you can set yourself up for it developing into RSD. It can be helped, massage is what they used for my arm. It worked. took several months.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    It was published in 1994.

    If I can find some way to get in touch with either of them then maybe find out if they are willing to republish it. There certainly is a need for it

    Who knows they might have piles of them in storage somewhere

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I found an email address for Tobias and have emailed her about the book. Hopefully the address I have is still active.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Ok I was able to find an email address for the second author of the book so she has an email too. Hopefully I will hear from one or the other.

    And the first topic has started

    Captive Hearts, Captive Minds: Introduction

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I got a reply from one of the authors, Janja Lalich. The book is being released by a new publisher sometime in the spring. And it will be revised and updated to include some new information. YEAH!!!!

    I will keep on top of this and let you all know when it comes out.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    A NOTE regarding the book. The book is being revised and updated and will get a new title;
    Take Back Your Life: Recovering from Cults and Abusive Relationships by Janja Lalich and Madeleine Tobias"

    I have received permission from the publisher to use excerpts from the original book so our project can continue. The publisher will inform me as soon as the release is out sometime in April or May. I have changed the title of the other thread to reflect the publisher's guidelines.

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex
    I was thinking that once a week I could post a topic and people could post their thoughts about it or just do the exercise on their own and maybe just post what they are comfortable sharing. Once we have a few of them people can go back and forth as the topic affects their lives. New people can always join in whenever they want and still benefit from it.

    hhmmm ... interesting idea LL. The idea has real merit, particularly for those of us who have not read the book. This has the potential for taking an idea from the book and batting it around for a bit, which is an excellent way to work through an issue. I think a new topic each week (approximately) would be an excellent idea. I too agree that we do not have to have the book to be able to talk about certain topics. For example:

  • The Cult Phenomenon
    • Cults and cultic relationships
    • Seduction and recruitment
    • Understanding thought reform
    • Individual differences affecting recovery
    • Characteristics of a cult leader
  • Is a good place to start. Naturally it would be good to hear what the author's thoughts are about these points, but if I'm hearing correctly the idea is more of an interaction between all of us using the book only as a topic starter. BTW, it's funny but I've been out since 1989 and yet there is still a tiny part that fights at the label "cult". It's funny really, all those years fighting being labeled as a cult and yet that's what they are. If you read the mindset, the need for control and the devastating effect on those leaving there is little doubt Jehovah's Witnesses are one. Perhaps the only real difference is that there is not one single 'dynamic' leader (ala Jim Jones, Sun Yung Moon, David Koresh, et al.).

    I don't know if I have anything of value to contribute LL, but you know I can't say no to you.


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