My Letter to local Newspapaer - Your Feedback Please?

by cofty 92 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    trouble with editing ...

    twenty-six, not twenty six

    Wm. Strunk recommends not using ungainly adverbs, such as sickeningly and tiredly and firstly and ...


    Please see last post on page 3, cofty.

  • cofty

    Thanks CC - I'm afraid I emailed the letter this morning.

  • compound complex
    compound complex

    That's OK!

    It's great as is.


  • strypes

    I demand a different hue of ecru!

  • strypes

    I forgot the orange font.

  • slimboyfat

    Let us know if they print it.

  • slimboyfat

    Incidentally my local newspaper employs a Witness in a fairly senior position, so I have always wondered whether that would inhibit them printing anything embarrassing about the Witnesses.

  • cofty

    Let us know if they print it.

    I will do, its published on a Thursday so hoping for a result.

  • strypes

    It is thursday... did it make the news paper?

  • cofty

    Yeee ha! It was published today.

    It was edited a bit, the sentence about child protection and the following paragraph on blood was cut. I don't think it was cut for length, there is a local character to rambles on endlessly about all sorts of things, but our local paper does tend to avoid controversy.

    Another brief and badly written letter supporting the JWs was also published. I think it came from a bible study. Basically it tried to play the victim card but it was a bit pathetic.

    A small body blow to the borg - feels good.

    Thanks to everybody for their help with the letter.

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