JW self-defense...WT says we are too slow to use a gun!!!.......

by oompa 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • oompa

    YOU GOTTA READ THIS TO BELEIVE IT!.....lately my mind is teaching s we had that "went beyond what is written" and this subject on self defence has cracked me up!!!.....you if gotta see this to believe it!....not just guns....but almost EVERTHING is bashed...they did leave out the option of us carrying a sword O.J. style....or a spear.....this will make my list....(and you can have no privileges if you carry a gun at work...cop or security guard).........

    *** g91 7/8 p. 12 Self-Defense—How Far Can a Christian Go? ***

    How can Christians seek protection in firearms and at the same time live in harmony with the Bible’s requirements? In any case, the attacker is likely to be quicker on the draw than the victim.

    I had no idea that WT has done speed-check on gunslinger abilities between worldly gunslingers and dub gunslingers?!?!? Never mind that the most common home weapon in Bible times was prob a sword (which god invented and gave mankind) or a knife....and they could defend themselves.....but i am pretty sure there is a scripture that actually says that if the wife grabs the attackers privates in the fight...she loses her hand or something???...help me with that one.....it gets even better....

    *** g91 7/8 p. 13 Self-Defense—How Far Can a Christian Go? ***‘That is all well and good for owning firearms,’ someone may say. ‘But what about learning the martial arts for self-defense, such as judo, karate, and kendo?’ Ask yourself, is not the object of this instruction to fight or hurt others? And is not such training really equivalent to arming oneself lethally?

    LMAO!!....i thought they just asked a question about learning it for self-defence?.....how can you defend yourself without hurting the attacker?...I am taking a quilting class to learn self-defence....you throw a blanket over the attacker???


    What about "safer" weapons, such as chemical sprays? Besides the fact that they are illegal in some places, these weapons have serious drawbacks. Instead of immobilizing a drug-crazed attacker, they may only succeed in infuriating him. It is even possible that the wind might blow the chemical into your face rather than the attacker’s—assuming you get the spray out in the first place...Weapons never help a situation. People put too much faith in them."

    Weapons—The Godly View

    When Jesus asked his disciples to equip themselves with swords, it was not for protection. —Matthew 26:51, 52; Luke 22:36-38. What the fluck was it for then??....no toenail clippers yet????)

    True Christians, therefore, do not arm themselves so as to harm their fellowman. (Compare Isaiah 2:4.)(OMG!...you are not a TRUE CHRISTIAN if you arm yourself?....yet they just said Jesus told his disciples to arm themselves????...WTF!!!!!)

    Wisdom—Better Than Weapons (FINALLY!...a weapon we can use!!!)

    In an age when there seems to be a gadget for everything, it may surprise you to know that you can have at your disposal a means of defense that is far more effective than any man-made device....This wisdom is.... the application of Bible principles...) (LMAO!....smack em down with wisdom...and here it comes next!!) "Letting everyone know I’m one of Jehovah’s Witnesses is my best protection," How you dress is also important. "I’m careful not to wear things that attract attention," says one youth. "I figure I don’t have to wear the most expensive brands to look good." Following the Bible’s counsel to dress modestly may help you to keep a low profile and avoid trouble.—1 Timothy 2:9.

    If You Are Confronted With Violence

    By refusing to "return evil for evil," you may be able to keep a situation from getting out of hand.—Romans 12:17. When diplomacy fails, however, you must take steps to protect yourself... If violence seems imminent, walk away—better yet, run away! ( run Forest! Run!) But toting a gun or learning karate kicks will not make you any safer.(you just cant make this stuff up)...............................................................................oompa


    The WBT$ is run by Idiots..The Idiot who wrote this article,knows nothing about Self Defense................Unbelievable!...

    Laughing Mutley...OUTLAW

  • Bonnie_Clyde

    The WT actually was, temporarily, lenient about using a firearm for protection. Awake! 09-08-75 p. 27: "In his Law to Israel, Jehovah God revealed that the individual had the right of self-defense. For example, regarding a thief who broke into a house at night, the Law stated: 'If a thief should be found in the act of breaking in and he does get struck and die, there is not bloodguilt for him.'" - Ex. 22:2. On page 28 the article goes on to say, "Peter's action...was not a matter of self-defense, but, rather, resistance to authorities and even against God's will....Accordingly, before buying a deadly weapon, one should certainly weigh both aspects--one potential danger against the other potential danger. He must decide which would be the greater risk." They actually gave us a choice....

    I thought the article was quite reasonable. Wonder if he it was written by Ray Franz? I've never seen this reasoning before or since.

  • DT

    Here's an interesting quote from the 1/15 Watchtower 1964 pages 63-64, "A Christian woman is entitled to fight for her virginity or marital fidelity to the death."

    It would appear that she can fight to the death, but without the benefit of weapons or self defense training, although her husband should just run away " If violence seems imminent". Evidently, this only applies to rape, so she better not fight if the only concern is her safety or the safety of her family.

  • WTWizard

    I hope a group of armed bandits raids the Washtowel Slaveholdery's headquarters. I wonder how quickly it would be acceptable for them to use deadly force to defend the Worldwide Pedophile Defense Fund. Yet, it is not acceptable for those within the cancer to use deadly force to neutralize deadly force.

  • Quirky1

    Let's see, you bring your bible to a gunfight and I'll have my Tan 9....I wonder who'll win.??


    Does`nt the WBT$ President travel with Body Guards.....I remember seeing Rutherford escorted by men armed with canes..A good martial arts weapon if you know how to use it.................Wasn`t our own "Maximus" a Body Guard for Knorr?..........Theres always security aroud the stage at assemblys..Especially if it`s a Bethel Heavy Weight........................Is no one allowed to defend themselves,unless they have position in Bethel?................................................This Artical Smells like more WBT$ Crap!!.......................................................................................

    Laughing Mutley..OUTLAW

  • BluesBrother

    I actually thought that the reasoning in the two articles was sensible. Maybe because the only people carrying guns or knives in the U K are criminals, we are not used to arming ourselves

    It stands to reason that a violent mugger is likely to be more handy with his weapon than the law abiding citizen . I would still rather take my chance with diplomacy and common sense.

  • VM44

    Weapons—The Godly View

    Genesis 3:24. And so he drove the man out and posted at the east of the garden of E´den the cherubs and the flaming blade of a sword that was turning itself continually to guard the way to the tree of life.

    Jehovah invented swords, so He must view them as OK to use.

  • VM44

    When the JWs say that the apostles carried a sword to protect against animals only, how do they know that?

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