JW self-defense...WT says we are too slow to use a gun!!!.......

by oompa 52 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • avishai

    Not surprising. Many on this forum who are aghast @ all other JW arguments still subscribe to this one. The christian ethic has really screwed alot of us up. Me too, until I had kids. That changed that pacifist, give your life for even your enemy bullshit toute-suite for me.

  • BurnTheShips
    The christian ethic has really screwed alot of us up.

    Speak for yourself. It does not logically follow.


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Speak for yourself. It does not logically follow.

    A good example of what he was talking about.

  • BurnTheShips
    A good example of what he was talking about.

    Break into my house sometime, and you'll learn something.


  • John Doe
    John Doe
    Break into my house sometime, and you'll learn something.

    I'll be sure to be prepared when I come.

  • Fadeout

    The WT actually was rather generous in simply claliming we're too slow to use a gun... they just as easily could have said, "Your type has neither the cranial capacity nor the opposable digits to operate a firearm."

  • BurnTheShips

    Better be. ;-)


  • BurnTheShips

    In any case,
    the attacker is likely to be quicker on the draw than the victim.

    Hell, they sure are fast to pull a Reasoning book out when Harry Householder has an objection....

  • avishai

    I was speaking for myself. Did'nt say all of us. Many xtians I know would do the smart thing and blow someone away rather than let them enter their house and fuck with their family. Let God sort 'em out, etc. I said "alot of us". And I was'nt screwed up as badly as many. My dad's the only elder I know who has kicked TWO asses at jw functions, while in a servant position. So, I had a different view. STILL to passive initially, though.

  • BurnTheShips

    Yeah. Having kids changes the perspective. One thing is willing to die, letting your kids get harmed is something else.


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