Hello Erik.
Like yourself I am new here, but have been an interested observer for a couple of months as the pedophile and U.N. stories developed and I decided to "log on".
I saw your S.O.S and you have received a wealth of info to start digesting. However I wanted to point out a typical mental/knee-jerk reaction you and your parents made.
Oh No! It's Armageddon.... the society was right....I'm going to die!
Myself, I recalled the picture in the orange Paradise Lost book of the buildings toppling and people fleeing in terror. And I smiled. Not because of the horror of the situation, but thinking how the dub's were going to turn that around and use it to console and convince themselves that all things were occurring as predicted. I can imangine there was/will be a temporary increase in meeting attendance until people regain their senses.
That is a typical response of those that have left, but still have doubts, and shows how religion can prey on your fears to keep you in line. ie Catholic church and hellfire etc. Take a deep breath and analyze all the info you have access to and very discreetly share this info with your parents, or point them to the web pages you have been given.
It must give you hope and make you feel better when you see all the people who have taken time out to respond to your cry for help.
Good Luck [ i can say that now ]