I couldn't agree with you more. While I always accepted "new light" at face value....in other words, teachings would become progressively clearer as time went on....I found it hard to deal with flip-flops.
My sister and brother-in-law had been df'd for celebrating Christmas. So, my mom and I were very concerned about the acceptable treatment of df'd persons.
Initially, it was okay to associate with family members as long as you didn't discuss scriptural matters. Then, that changed to association, and discussing scriptural matters with the intent of helping them back. Then, it was back to association without scriptural discussion. Then it was no association.....and so on, and so on.
Every year or so, the proper conduct would change, and it became very difficult to sort things out.
The back-tracking and concealing of errors in belief have always bothered me. Rather than implying that Jehovah reveals things in dribs and drabs (or perhaps an "oops, the message got scrambled on THAT one....here's the right view....oops, I meant the previous one....damn, where did I put my bookmark?"), I think it would be much more honest for the Society to admit that they were wrong and apologize for the error.
Many people are being stumbled because of the "we're NEVER wrong, it must be YOU" attitude.