What about new light?

by spectromize 7 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • spectromize

    I just wanted to ask a question concerning the expression," new light," whenever the brothers and sisters are talking and when we suddenly see a new point in the watchtower or a new teaching from the society as far as our beliefs such as the change in doctrine like the GENERATION teaching.

    Is it really accurate to say new light or just plain and simple error ?

    You see I grew up as a catholic and before I became a witness we considered our church and the pope as God's representative. You couldn't get closer to God if someone in your family decided to become a priest and a priest was considered sacred. It was the same while my mom was growing up, she use to tell me how she use to go to confession and while in the private booth with the priest, had sexual advances made towards her and when she tried telling her parents they were furious at her for even saying such a thing about the local priest. You just didn't say things like that, as it seemed in those days that it was impossible for priests to be wrong. But of course we know better today.

    Also as you have noticed in recent months in the news, the catholic church has apoligized for their past sins. For anybody who has looked in its past history, we know how tainted it is.

    We also know that the catholic church has abandoned and does not practice such things anymore such as the inquisitions to hunt down heretics and anybody who even had a slight inclination to critize the church , selling indulgences, very seldom excommunicate people...

    Even to this day the catholic church claims to be used by God. What if they took the position, we have received "NEW LIGHT" concerning the former practices that's why we have progressed in God's
    truth. Would you believe them?

    Again I'm not trying to cast doubt on the organization but simply tryin to correct a wrong reasoning when it comes to new light, if a doctrine is wrong and erroneous then that's what it should be called nothing else!

    Also please don't take my post to mean that I simpathize for the catholic church because I don't. It is bloodguilty. I was merely trying to use this example to show that our reasoning could be way off at times without us ever realizing it.

  • RedhorseWoman

    I couldn't agree with you more. While I always accepted "new light" at face value....in other words, teachings would become progressively clearer as time went on....I found it hard to deal with flip-flops.

    My sister and brother-in-law had been df'd for celebrating Christmas. So, my mom and I were very concerned about the acceptable treatment of df'd persons.

    Initially, it was okay to associate with family members as long as you didn't discuss scriptural matters. Then, that changed to association, and discussing scriptural matters with the intent of helping them back. Then, it was back to association without scriptural discussion. Then it was no association.....and so on, and so on.

    Every year or so, the proper conduct would change, and it became very difficult to sort things out.

    The back-tracking and concealing of errors in belief have always bothered me. Rather than implying that Jehovah reveals things in dribs and drabs (or perhaps an "oops, the message got scrambled on THAT one....here's the right view....oops, I meant the previous one....damn, where did I put my bookmark?"), I think it would be much more honest for the Society to admit that they were wrong and apologize for the error.

    Many people are being stumbled because of the "we're NEVER wrong, it must be YOU" attitude.

  • Caliban

    It is unfortunate that even when they make a change on something that they still try and make out that they were correct before and after they made the change.
    This is just dishonest and anyone with any sense can see it.
    Now I'm sure there is something in the bible somewhere about what God thinks of liars...

  • claudia

    Why is it considered new light when they are forced to change things? for example, in 1975, the year came and went, they had no choice but to change things.

  • Frenchy

    I think this is one of the main criticisms of the Society. In this day and age it does seem rather childish to maintain this attitude. I believe that a lot of Witnesses are now reaching the stage where they are starting to realize this. Of course, the gag order on talking about such things is still very much enforced. This prevents those who have not as yet realized this from being prodded into thinking about it.

    The internet is doing a lot to help people see what is happening... perhaps IT is the 'new light'!

  • Seven

    Good morning all! I have received some new light-I am being conned into believing that every so often Jehovah just up and changes his mind. ???

    Distinguishing between what is true and false is simple. Just read the book!! Deut. 18:21,22 works for me. "In case you should say in your HEART: How
    shall we know the word that Jehovah has NOT spoken? when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true,
    that is word that Jehovah did NOT speak."

    As Caliban stated, anyone with any sense can see it.

    "That deaf, dumb, and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball!" Pinball Wizard,The Who

  • Seven

    Good morning all! I have received some new light-I am being conned into believing that every so often Jehovah just up and changes his mind. ???

    Distinguishing between what is true and false is simple. Just read the book!! Deut. 18:21,22 works for me. "In case you should say in your HEART: How
    shall we know the word that Jehovah has NOT spoken? when the prophet speaks in the name of Jehovah and the word does not occur or come true,
    that is word that Jehovah did NOT speak."

    As Caliban stated, anyone with any sense can see it.

    "That deaf, dumb, and blind kid sure plays a mean pinball!" Pinball Wizard,The Who

  • JimmyPage

    And so, the doubts began...

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