I was talking with "worldly" friends the other day and they mentioned a JW friend they knew who recently had some serious surgery and received a special dispensation so that she could have blood for this surgery. That's what they claim she told my friends....the husband is an elder, and it was suggested that through his contacts that he was able to get this for her. I expressed disbelief and have asked my friends to see if they can get more info about her "dispensation" and whether she actually recv'd whole blood or fractions during surgery. They've said she never mentioned fractions, but referred to BLOOD. I've also asked them to find out who this dispensation actually came from.
Have any of you ever heard of a dispensation for blood use? I've been associated with JWs for over 25 yrs and have never heard of such a thing, and while I miss lots of meetings now, in my fade, I'm sure my devout husband would inform me of such a change if there was one. What's your take on this story?