If schools continued to teach the three 'R's and assist to instill a work ethic as well as pride, teamwork and self confidence, then there would be little reason to consider other options.
Now, schools do not teach writing skills or even correct spelling. Math errors are not corrected but everyone receives a passing grade since it would be demeaning to be graded less than peers even as the critical race crap teaches the 'White' race is privileged and the reason for world problems. If your child is white, he/she is now being taught they must atone for being white and for the actions of their ancestors.
With regard to teachers as 'professionals', in my experience knowing numerous teachers, some of which are family members, 'professional' is not the word I would use broadly.
While most take pride in their profession and attempt to do what is best for their students, some consider teaching as only an assured paycheck even while receiving greater than average vacation time compared to most other professions. These ones refuse to enhance their qualifications or abilities during school breaks, and will not provide additional assistance to students after hours but instead make it habit to depart school as early as possible once the required hours have concluded each day.
I have also seen them attempt to justify the 2-months summer break + Christmas & Spring break as well earned and a perk to the job, and moan and whine when they are required to setup their classroom in the final week before school returns each fall, and when forced to participate in Meet the Parent night or to prepare grading for each student's performance which is typically prepared after teaching hours.
Public school teachers are often begrudgingly required to teach subjects they have no training in so they purchase teaching guides and will often do the minimum necessary so as to satisfy minimum content requirements.
In listening to stories on how they demeaningly treat some students, if believed, borders on abuse.
If I was a parent of a school aged child, I would be considering gathering a group of like minded concerned parents, to demand our share of tax money to be reallocated to a private school of our choice, where the faculty is accountable to us as parents instead of pencil necked beurocrats that dictate what is taught without regard to parent expectations or providing skills needed for each child's future.