Looking back a year at Covid

by pistolpete 28 Replies latest social current

  • pistolpete

    March of last year Covid was declared a pandemic that would take hundreds of millions of lives world wide.

    Here are the facts after a year.

    The world population is 7,800,000,000 (Billions)

    114,770,269 Millions of people have caught the virus as of today

    aprox 91 Million recovered from the virus,

    Only approx 2,554,660 have died of Covid as of today WORLD WIDE.(Some say many Covid Deaths were not Covid related)


    That’s 3.256832051282051e-4---------of the world population that died of the virus.

    Not even close to 1% of the world population

    The majority of people that have died of the virus were elderly with medical conditions. The few young ones that died had underline medical conditions.

    Compare this to the Spanish flu of 1918 where 50 million deaths worldwide ---- Maybe 100 million considering many bodies were cremated quickly to prevent spreading.

    Was Covid really a plague?

    What were the lock downs really all about?

    In the meantime life went on as usual and we added between 85-100 million new humans to the planet.


  • cookiemaster

    Exactly, what the media is telling us doesn't make sense, nor does the disproportionately harsh response from the authorities for such a mild virus. Even more unjustified is the response to the so called second wave, when we fully knew how harmless the virus really is. In addition, there's now strong evidence that Ivermectin successfully treats the virus and decreases mortality by around 75% and serious cases. The use of this effective cheap and safe generic medicine has been suppressed. Nothing makes sense about this virus.

    For the past year I've worked as a taxi driver and came in close contact with thousands of people, yet I never had a symptom. Watching all the politicians and the World Economic Forum talk about the Great Reset makes it clear this was yet another attempt to bankrupt the West. Funny how China had virtually no cases after the start of the outbreak while Western countries handicap themselves to this day.

  • Rocketman123

    when we fully knew how harmless the virus really is.

    Yes only 500,000 deaths is the US alone

    ...and if the governments didn't impose social restrictions, what would have happened ?

    Answer ... spread and spread and spread

    Maybe you would have contacted the virus and ended up in a hospital. ?

  • Simon
    Only approx 2,554,660 have died of Covid as of today

    Sorry, but I don't believe the stats.

    Just because someone is labelled as dying from Covid doesn't mean they did. I think a good proportion of those died from other causes and maybe never even had it. The numbers have been exaggerated to justify the over-reaction by the west.

  • pistolpete

    Yes only 500,000 deaths is the US alone

    ...and if the governments didn't impose social restrictions, what would have happened ?

    The USA has a population of 330 Million-----and they had approx 525,000 deaths in a year

    CHINA has a population of Approx 1.5 BILLION PEOPLE and only had 4,600 deaths--LOL

    INDIA has a population of 1,38 BILLION and very few care about masks----and they only had 157,000 deaths in a whole year

    Why is it that the USA has been in continual lock down for over a year and will continue in lock down EVEN AFTER THE VACCINATIONS????


    People that can't figure it out are losing everything

    People who were aware of this, rode to the whale to riches.




    Just because someone is labelled as dying from Covid doesn't mean they did. I think a good proportion of those died from other causes and maybe never even had it. The numbers have been exaggerated to justify the over-reaction by the west.

    Due to family issues, my dad was kicked out of the house 4 years ago. We did not see him or even talk to him for those 4 years. He moved in with his brother, who volunteered to take him in. Our uncle refused to communicate, or give us any information on his status.

    We just received a call from our family lawyer that he passed away December 2020. We received a copy of his death certificate. It listed that the cause of death was from Pneumonia/Covid-19. The underlying cause was coronary heart disease.

    We don't buy the story. He was 88 years old, had congestive heart disease for the last 10 years and was a diabetic.

    We also believe the numbers are exaggerated to justify hospitals charging for the treatment of COVID patients and propping up the numbers.


    Agee 100%. They are using the COVID-19 scare tactics to shut down businesses. People are so fearful they will accept the lockdowns.

  • Brock Talon
    Brock Talon

    It is so amusing to see the media, the CDC and most Lefty braintrusts repeat over and over again that they have "debunked the myth" of exaggerated COVID deaths in the U.S. "If anything," they spout, "COVID deaths have been under reported!" Most of the sheeple seem to accept this as fact, and many blame Trump for spreading the lie about COVID deaths being exaggerated.

    However, actual THINKING people ask themselves these questions:

    Why is the United States (and its soul mate, the UK) so bad off vs. the rest of the entire free world when it comes to COVID death rates? (China and India numbers were already posted on this thread, but heck, the U.S is 7th out of 152 countries as worst per capita in COVID deaths. The UK is 4th worst in the entire world!)


    Is the U.S. really that clumsy and careless with how it handled COVID?

    Putting aside the criminal way Lefty Governors like Andrew Cuomo handled nursing homes, did the U.S. not lock down hard enough and long enough? Did the U.S. not mandate wearing masks enough? Did the U.S. media not engage in enough daily hand wringing, advice giving and dire warning sounding?

    Is the U.S. that backwards in the methods of treatment, hospital staffing and skill, general healthcare and the like?

    Is the country that actually produced the vaccines for COVID (in record time mind you) THAT inept in preventing it's citizens from dying from it in the first place?

    Is the U.S. population just that plain reckless and stupid, vs. the rest of the savvy smart countries who "know how to follow the rules"? (I actually heard one lunkhead on CNN explain why the U.S. fairs so badly in COVID deaths... "we just don't follow the rules like other countries..." )

    Are the U.S. citizens perhaps more sickly, obese and pre-existing conditioned than the rest of the world? Maybe we are just older and frail than everyone else, so COVID just finishes us off more easily?


    Could it be something else?

    Could it perhaps be that hospitals were incentivized to report as many deaths as possible as COVID? (What, you mean if money is involved, that might affect things?)

    Could it be that the Lefty powers that be (including regular and social media) Hollywood, the universities, etc. knew that the worse we had it with COVID deaths, the more Trump could be weakened and blamed? (What, you mean if politics is involved, that might affect things?)

    Could it be that being labeled an "essential worker" who "put themselves in harms way for us" was a badge of honor that only grew with each COVID case and especially COVID deaths? (I met a young man at the hardware store last year who was wearing his working every day at the store as a badge of honor, because, and I quote him "I put myself in harms way for the public to be able to get what they need for their homes so they can be safe in them." I kid you not. He was deemed an essential worker and he was proud of it, and at the same time was gravely concerned for his own safety. This was not an act, he actually saw himself that way.)

    Could it be that Fauci and other even more morose medical doomsdayers who predicted "Millions of COVID deaths" early on had to have higher numbers so they did not look so ridiculous? (What, you mean if ego and professional credibility is involved, that might affect things?)

    I could go on, but I think you get the point.

    It makes ZERO SENSE that the U.S.should have so high a COVID death rate compared to Trinidad, Botswana, Mexico and 142 other countries. Forget their blabbering nonsense; use your own thinking ability to figure this one out.

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i love a good conspiracy theory.

  • pistolpete
    Brock Talon

    Well put! 👍👍

  • FedUpJW

    This happened in Colorado (USA) not too long ago.

    The Grand County coroner is disputing the number of COVID-19 deaths the state is reporting for the county. The coroner maintains that only one person in the county has died FROM COVID-19, while two more people have died WITH it, for a total of three COVID-related deaths in the county. However, the state is reporting five for Grand. In disputing the numbers, Bock explained that a couple who died of gunshot wounds late last month have been included in the state’s numbers.

    Centers for Disease Control reporting protocol requires that anyone who tested positive for COVID-19 within 30 days of their death be included in these numbers. (In other words, LIE) These are reported FACTS, not some conspiracy. There is a reason for numbers to be artificially inflated. It means $$$$ to someone. It means control of citizens by someone. Thinking persons will ask who stands to benefit from the control, and reap $$$$ as a result of that control.

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