NGO/WTS scandal info sought

by yaddayadda 30 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • yaddayadda

    Some questions for someone really clued up on the NGO scandal:

    • Who was the PR when the Society first applied to be an NGO in 1992....Milton Henschel?
    • When did Don Adams become the president of the WTS?
    • Who was the Society's MR to the UN when it first applied in 1992? Was it brother Aulicino?
    • What is Ciro Aulicino's background at the Society? What is his current status?

    Would be grateful for any info. Much thanks.

    [Note: PR means President or Officer, MR means Main Representative]



    Assoc: DPI

    Adams, Don (PR)

    Aulicino, Ciro (MR)

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    You can try looking in this

    The Best of... WTS and the UN

    Don't know if they will answer all your questions but it is a good start

  • OldSoul

    When the Application for Association was first made, F.W. Franz was PR.

    Ciro Aulicino was MR. ( He has not been reassigned, he still serves in the same capacity.

    Don Adams became President in October of 2000.


  • sf

    Lady Lee gave you exactly what you need. It's imparative you read those long threads contained therein. It is the ONLY way to fully and utterly comprehend this issue from it's beginnings and it's supposed end.

    Happy trails!!

    Sincerely, sKally

  • 144001
    Don Adams became President in October of 2000.


    From "Get Smart" to the Watchtower, what a transition for Maxwell Smart. I wonder if Chaos knew he was president of the Watchtower, and also whether he brought Hymie the robot with him to Bethel.

  • yaddayadda

    Great, thanks heaps for that.

  • yaddayadda

    I've been plowing through all the links and evidence. Theres a lot of info to get thru.

    I just have a few more questions and would be grateful for your help/clarification:

    "The UN requires that you provide all your work you have done to either be mailed to them or listed in an annual report and submitted to them along with the "annual accrediataion form". Failure to do so means a "disassociation" by the UN's DPI committee."

    • I'm a bit confused about this 'annual accreditation form'. Is there an actual copy posted somewhere for viewing and printing off?
    • What is the difference between the 'annual accreditation form' and the 'annual report' that the original 1991 application form refers to?
    • Is there anything from the DPI that confirms the Society did in fact regularly file these annual accreditation forms as it was required to do? Is there anything confirming how well this requirement was 'policed' by the UN itself. Some have said that because an NGO formal 'review process' was instituted by the UN in 2002 this suggests the UN did not police it's own policy for re-registration of NGO's in preceding years. Can someone help me on this?

    Much thanks

  • jgnat

    A few of the heavies of the board asked the UN to publish these documents, which they so far have refused to do. As a concession to the endless requests for confirmation of the NGO request, the UN did post a letter on their website.

    Unfortunatley for the UN, I don't think the flow of letters can easily be stopped. It is a rare JW that will accept a "word" from the big, bad internet.

  • one


    yaddayadda , seem to be triying to "Make Sure of All Things".

    Letters from the UN and the WT were published confirming the issue, available on the web. Printing them and asking any jw to call the WT to confirm the authenticity of the letters, is a make beleive approach, it is up to them.

    Fear won't allow many jw to do it. You don't have to say were you got the copy from.

    Some bits of data and speculation,

    When the WT associated with the Un F. Franz was over 90 and about to die and knew very well about 'his' mistakes.

    Major changes in any country or org comes after the death of the leader... when it comes to countries death is accelerated if neccesary.

    Powerfull organization(s) may have decided it was a good time to squelch the WT regarding its view of the UN.

    Powerfull organization(s) may have decided to "use' the WT (a clean worlwide org) in exchange for some other benefits.

    All WT heavies and elders around the world, with some historial and doctrinal knowledge and a sound mind, have been just folowing the 'game' for a long time or stepped down or resigned or the org. Some are definitively making a living out of...

    Is there anything from the DPI that confirms the Society did in fact regularly file these annual accreditation forms as it was required to do?

    As far as i know they have not denied it, knowing how well the WT keeps its records, I doubt the WT did not comply each and every year...

    A few of the heavies of the board asked the UN to publish these documents, which they so far have refused to do

    All it may be needed is a good relationship with the Ambassador from France

  • yaddayadda

    I'm certainly not doubting the WTS's guilt over this, as from what I've read it's pretty clear all right. Just double-checking if any more source documentation and hard evidence is around that I've missed.

    Has anyone considered enlisting an investigative journalist, eg, Greg Palast or similar, to finish them off on this once and for all. These types can get their hands on any secret file. Would cost a small fortune though I guess.

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