Is there anthropological evidence proving the Nephilim's existence?

by truthseeker 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • upside/down

    I think the Nephelim are all still the NFL and the WWF.

    What I really want to know is were any of the dematerialized angels "gay"? Were any female?


    u/d(of the glad gumbass is back class)

  • DannyHaszard


    you may be mixing it up there. The Nephilim were the offspring of angels and humans, I was taught that they all drowned in the flood. However the angels in human form de-materialised and went back to heaven. But not their kids, the Nephilim, they all drowned.


    This is my dub take also from 48 years of exposure.I have heard dub urban legends on how the demons are really pissed about God drowning their familys,so they try to get revenge by wrecking Jehovah's Witnesses familys via immorality.Actually,80% of JW kids leave the troof because it IS a demonic organization from the get-go,and it's the Watchtower leaders who do the family wrecking.

  • upside/down

    So the Nephilim were really VICTIMS?

    They were sorta predestined...they never had a chance...being an evil "hybrid" of some sort...prone to being "fellers".

    Not one of 'em was "good"?

    They have no "saviour" second chances...?

    Poor bastards...

    u/d(of the some puzzle pieces are missing class)

  • mrsjones5

    This topic reminds me of that Nicolas Cage/Meg Ryan flix

  • Narkissos
  • AlmostAtheist

    Not to muddy the mountain-covering waters here, but there's no evidence that a global flood ever took place at all. It's cool to go ahead and believe it anyway, but why would you pursue evidence for the existence of the angel-human hybrids that were drowned in the flood, when the evidence of the flood itself would be much easier to spot? Once you prove to yourself that the flood couldn't have happened, then you can comfortably let go of the Nephilim idea as well.


  • daystar

    There is as much truth to the stories of the Nephilim as there are in the stories of dwarves, elves and dragons.

    There may be some grain of truth upon which the stories are based, but they were hyped into legend and myth. "Dude, that guys is huge!" "Yeah, I hear that he is the son of a rebellious angel." "You don't say!"

  • I quit!
    I quit!
    There is as much truth to the stories of the Nephilim as there are in the stories of dwarves, elves and dragons.

    Maybe Dwarves are very short Nephilim.

  • Caedes

    Surely nobody is going to be selectively accepting anthropological evidence that confirms biblical claims whilst simultaneously dismissing evidence that contradicts it?! I'm shocked

  • kid-A

    Yes! You can dig them up in the "mass grave of human myth and cultural fantasy"....they are laid out beside snow white and the 7 dwarves, the tooth fairy and Peter the Rabbit......

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