Questions from readers: Did Adam and Eve ever ...

by Simon 24 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Oroborus21

    I seem to recall that when Kelly Le Brock was created as a perfect woman in Weird Science that her burps smelled like champagne.

    I am sure it was just like that for Adam and Eve and also for Jesus whenever he had to take a squat on the road from Galilee to Jerusalem.

    -Eduardo Leaton Jr., Esq.

  • Hellrider

    The may have passed gas, but it probably smelled like roses.

    When I have a "get-healthy-real-quick"-fit, and I eat lots of vegetables (doesn`t happen very often...), I have noticed that I produce a lot more gas than in my usual diet. I thought that this was only because it was a new experience to my stomach, and that it would have passed, if I just stayed on the diet, but I asked a vegetarian-friend of mine (vegetarian for many years), and he said that no, the "gas problem" is something vegetarians have to live with, and not only that, they also had to go to the bathroom ("number 2") several times a day. So I`m thinking, if they had gas, there would be a lot of gas. If the garden of Eden was filled with animals, and all the animals were vegetarians, and many of these animals were big (also, the lions, tigers etc would be vegetarians, although that`s physically impossible, due to the construction of their intestine-system), there would be a lot of gas. A lot! Not very paradise-like after all, me thinks.

  • TopHat

    Farting a form of relief from poison gases in our bodies...perfectly natural

  • thinker

    The Romans believed that the souls of the dead lived within the bean. Romans used beans as charms connected with the dead. They threw beans behind their backs for ghosts, hoping to insure the families’ redemption in the next world, and they also spit beans at ghosts as a charm against them. The connection of the bean to the realm of ghosts seems to be that it grows in a spiral and that its white flowers were symbolic of the purity of the bleached bones of death. Because breath is the evidence of life, the eating of the bean and the flatulence it causes were thought to be proof that the living souls of the dead were inside the lowly bean. The Latin word for soul and breath were the same: anima.

  • DanTheMan

    Note in Genesis 3:8 that Jerhover was walking in the garden during the breezy part of the day, perhaps this was an hour after lunch?

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