Are You a Christian Because You Born in America?

by Shining One 33 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • upside/down

    Blondie...nice demographic map...

    But have you ever small the Jewish area of influence (land wise) is?

    Yet this faith is always listed like it's 2nd to the Catholic Church or Islam...interesting.

    Money talks...

    u/d (of the there just aren't that many Jews class)

  • upside/down

    Maybe a more accurate question would have been, "Are you a Republican or Democrat because you were born in America?"

    Ya think?


  • tdogg

    Im still laughing at the fact that Rex is calling people out on logical fallacies.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    So Tdogg,
    Do I remain static or am I allowed to learn like the rest of you? I wonder why it is that so few of you 'logical and enlightened' individuals will not call one of your own 'out' for logical fallacies? Could it be that you are just as 'intellectually dishonest' as anyone else?

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Your comments smell 'fishy' to me. Oh, and another thing, you may be attempting to 'poison the well' by relating the web site scholars to JWs. Why are you so bitter and vindictive in your tone?

  • jgnat

    I have no interest in pitting "my experts" against "your experts". Instead of posting links, "Shining One", why don't you post a single concept for us to dissect. And don't be so swift to descend to name-calling or attributing "attitude" this time.

    BTS, I've been corrected, respectfully, by fellow posters (full belief spectrum).

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    >because i don't have to worry about being right.

    You are definitely not 'right' that's for sure! LOL

    >i don't have to lie for any diety.

    You are your own 'diety', idolization of self comest to mind.

    >if i made a logical blunder somewhere, then i did. it doesn't matter! the nice thing is that i don't have to go to hell for it.

    That's right, you never have to go to hell for being mistaken nor for being sinful...

  • tdogg

    Learn away captain!

    If you are going to point out a fallacy in an argument then please do me a favor (for I am uneducated) and tell me what fallacy he is guilty of specifically. If you need a list you can find one here : You can't just run around screaming "fallacy, fallacy" without explaining why it is so.

    PS. Not to throw fuel on the fire but the act of being derisive by putting things in quotes is getting absurd. e.g. so called 'scientists' , 'logical and enlightened' , 'science', 'enviromentalists', 'logic' , you and your 'reasoning'. It is a great BS indicator when this tactic is used in an argument.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    The U.S. is just a 'for instance'. Any nation that was founded through western civilization would qualify for the genetic fallacy that is found when you follow the link.

  • funkyderek

    Interesting link, Rex. For what it's worth, I think you're wrong because your beliefs are at best unverifiable, and at worst demonstrably false; not because of where you live.

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