defd, three sincere questions

by OldSoul 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Finally-Free
    Just because it is Gods Org. does not mean it HAS to be PERFECT.

    The Watchtower is imperfect, but it alone is approved by God.

    All other religions in the world are imperfect, and they are all controlled by Satan in order to keep people out of God's imperfect organization.

    Am I stupid or something? Am I the only person who cannot see the difference between imperfection and imperfection?


  • defd

    All other religions in the world are imperfect, and they are all controlled by Satan in order to keep people out of God's imperfect organization.

    That is what the BIBLE says.

    Am I stupid or something?

    You your self have said it!

  • Satanus


    If you really want to refrain from arguing, it would be better to not call people stupid and then hide behind bible quotes while doing that.


  • coolhandluke

    Derrick, this is sincere: Please tell me where does it say that. I've got my bible. I'm ready


  • OldSoul


    I will answer to the best of my ability but I WILL NOT go back and forth and argue.

    Fair enough. Here are four of the teachings I cannot find support for in the Scripture. If someone publicly denies the validity of any one of these foundational doctrines or publicly affirms a contrary belief to any one of these, they risk expulsion from among Jehovah's Witnesses. I have source material readily available to show you, in case you question whether any of these are actually JW dogma.

    (1) the Faithful and Discreet Slave is a class of people,

    (2) that the holy spirit directs organizations, in addition to individuals,

    (3) that the Faithful and Discreet Slave is responsible for revealing "new light" (as opposed to "food at the proper time") to anyone, and finally

    (4) that Jehovah deals with individual other sheep differently than the little flock.

    Can you establish these doctrines Scripturally without uninspired human interpretation?

    The only thing saving me from expulsion so far is that I have not publicly denied the validity or publicly affirmed a belief to the contrary. But, in light of the point in What Does the Bible Really Teach? I don't feel bad about asying that if there is no support for these teachings in the Bible, then they are false.


  • Finally-Free

    So, defd. You appear to be capable of replying to me when it suits you, yet when I pose a serious question that is not in jest you conveniently ignore them. Such as the question below, that I posed to you on 2 occasions. These are scriptures a CO once suggested we use when speaking to Mormons, but they apply equally to all.

    Have Jehovah's Witnesses ever taught anything that is not explicitly supported by the bible? If so, how can one still call them the "truth" in light of the following scriptures?

    Gal. 1: 8

    However, even if we or an angel out of heaven were to declare to YOU as good news something beyond what we declared to YOU as good news, let him be accursed.

    Rev. 22: 18, 19

    “I am bearing witness to everyone that hears the words of the prophecy of this scroll: If anyone makes an addition to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this scroll; 19 and if anyone takes anything away from the words of the scroll of this prophecy, God will take his portion away from the trees of life and out of the holy city, things which are written about in this scroll.


  • defd

    Before we begin let me say that my shift at work is almost up so I wont be able to get into it to much but can pick it back up 2marrow, honestly. 2nd what do you mean by this statement

    The only thing saving me from expulsion so far is

    that I have not publicly denied the validity or publicly affirmed a belief to the contrary.

  • defd

    Finally free I only reply to you because I stumble at your rudeness and meanness. I take pot shots at you in return to yours.

  • OldSoul
    The only thing saving me from expulsion so far is that I have not publicly denied the validity or publicly affirmed a belief to the contrary.

    If someone publicly denies the validity of any one of these foundational doctrines or publicly affirms a contrary belief to any one of these, they risk expulsion from among Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I have been told so by my BOE, by letter from the Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, and by a Circuit Overseer. Since I only question these teachings, right now, I am not in danger of expulsion. If I go one step further, I risk expulsion.

    I have not done anything morally reprehensible, my only crime would be relying too heavily on God's word as a basis for my beliefs. And the penalty would be expulsion, there would be no need to prove the charges of sectarianism or apostasy. The congregation would never know that I hadn't cheated on my wife, been gambling, got involved with drugs, etc. The congregation would never know that I was disfellowshipped for insisting on Scripture to support doctrine.

    By the way, if you think better of trying after your research, just PM me. I will certainly understand. Remember, the only requirement is that it be free of human interpretation. The Scriptures must interpret themselves.


  • Finally-Free
    Finally free I only reply to you because I stumble at your rudeness and meanness. I take pot shots at you in return to yours.

    Funny, I thought my pot shots were in response to yours. Speaking of "rudeness and meanness" I sugest you review your own posting history. I won't bother linking to them - you're not worth any more of my time. You've still neglected to answer my question. I take that to mean you cannot answer it, just as no elder could answer it either. Like you, they didn't even try. I'm glad you post here defd. I think you're doing a great job. Every day you remind us why we continue to shun Jehovah's Witnesses. Keep up the good work! W

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