Do the Witnesses Still Go Door to Door?

by tfsm 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • xjwms

    Would you like a visit???

    Call the Hall and ask for one.

  • xjwms

    I forgot to say

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  • Cygnus

    The last time my door was knocked by a JW was 4-5 months ago, and it was an attractive young lady by herself so I asked her why she was alone as I knew the Kingdom Ministry had said that "sisters" shouldn't work alone, then I saw a "brother" walking by himself on the sidewalk and I yelled out to him why was she working alone, isn't that unsafe? Isn't there at least an unwritten rule that a woman always should have a partner?

  • jeeprube

    I lived in my current house for one year before I got knocked on.

  • Momofmany

    My Mom and I were arguing this point the other day. She states that only witnesses, ever, since Christ's time, went door to door. That no one else ever has, or ever will do the same thing. She got her 50 hrs in last month, and is there this month. Of course, she counts the time she talks to me.

    So yes, they still go door to doo.

  • JH

    They still do go door to door, but not like they used to. More and more younger JW's changed their priority and now work, cause life is expensive, and the end isn't around the corner anymore.

    The older ones, retired, do go out often enough though, I've noticed.

    There seems to be more and more 2 mentalities in the Org. The young VS the old who really think and hope the end is close, cause they are about to die...

  • upside/down

    I've had the Mormons twice...the Lutherans once (opening a new church)...and some non-denominational group looking for people "fed up with organized religion"....NOT ONE DUB in two years. But they're the ONLY ones going "door to door"...right... just like they're the only ones with "da troof"...

    Not to mention a dozen flyers on our door inviting us to Christmas and Easter services...

    Interesting...are "gods" witnesses busy in the privy?

    u/d(of the they're legends only in their own minds class)

    p.s.- WELCOME!!!

  • Cygnus
    She states that only witnesses, ever, since Christ's time, went door to door.

    Show her this scripture:


    Rbi8 Luke 10:7 ***

    Do not be transferring from house to house.

    (Do not move about from house to house - RSV / Do not move from house to house - NJB)

    In the latter context of Luke10:7, how many "towns" (or "communities") have told JWs to stay away and yet they keep coming back? I remember going out in service with an elder who insisted on sneaking into a particular condo complex to knock on doors even though management told us to keep out. I hated that.

    Edited to add: Back when I quit the JWs I'd talk religion a lot with my walking-encyclopedia friend, and one night at the bar (all too common for us back then) an "evangelical Catholic" overheard us talking and said he went door to door. Also Frank Toth, ex-longtime Bethelite, became pastor of a Church of God (Abrahamic Faith) and he told me his congregation would go door to door sometimes too.

  • Alwayshere

    they will always have to do that as long as they stay in that cult.

  • Momofmany

    Just wanted to say thanks. You guys are such a big help all the time. Cygnus, thanks for the scripture. I know next time she brings it up, I'm going to use it. Owe ya one.

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