Why naturalism is irrational

by Shining One 369 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jgnat

    No group, then, and individuals must be judged by their own actions. If a Muslim, then, saved a village, could God take the credit? How about the rescuers right now pulling people from the rubble in Pakistan?

    Did not the Lord say that the road to salvation would be 'narrow and cramped'? That is one issue

    Then you yourself should take a good look. I've seen you label and lash out at a few folk here simply for the "camp" you decided they belonged. You label far too fast, sir.

    If you claim the Bible is a pacifist book, you are going to have to excise most of the book of Judges. Do keep in mind we share this portion of the scriptures with our Muslim cousins.

  • LittleToe


    Let me ask you this, when Jesus said "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except by me."

    Did I miss the addendum that continues: "...therefore kill, maim and verbally lash everyone who thinks differently"?

  • Caedes

    The National Socialists, cousins of the Communists, were a occult centered political party that carried out evolutionary philosophy and the 'survival of the fittest' to its logical conclusion. What is that conclusion? Man is nothing but a higher form of animal. If you want to improve the race of man you simply eliminate all of the weaker and faulty genetic influences. That horrible conclusion led to the final, logical solution: extermination of the faulty genetic influences to purify the human race!

    Shining one I take it that you have conceded this point by your lack of response, and that you now accept that hitler and the nazi party were as happy to use christianity as evolution to give some air of authority to their crimes. Will we we be seeing an apology for infering that evolutionary scientists would "logically" support the holocaust?

  • jgnat

    Oh, yes, "Shining-One", I just noticed that you breezed right past the notion that a christian hero of the time, Martin Niemoller, was condemnatory of his own brotherhood for turning a blind eye to the persecution of the Jews, the Communists, and the Trade Unionists.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    What in the world do they teach at your church? You are a Sunday school teacher and you don't recognize the progressive revelation in scripture? Have you ever heard of different dispensation periods? Do you know that there are two covenants and one is now complete and has been superceded? Did you ever notice that when Israel went out on its own they were defeated and that without God's support they could not win? God gave them laws to live by and observe within their own lands, not in other lands. Am I getting this right, you think the Koran is wonderful and the Islamist's rants are equal in teaching to Christianity? Amazing!

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Little Toe,
    Does a Christian stand on Biblical principals or compromise and weaken the message of scripture? Have you not gotten the point that the gospel is an offense to those who are perishing? Why in the world would you not want to warn others who are headed for hell? I do think that I have been more tactful but the message I bring is not easy to accept. Pride is a factor and that oldest sin always leads to rebellion, which led to the fall.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    You are reading something into my comments that are not there. I simply have been showing you the practical result of a naturalistic philosophy that equates man with mere animals. I am taking the same and drawing it out to its ultimate logical conclusion. First we had the endorsement of abortion on demand, for any reason. Next we have euthanasia and I wonder how long until the old who are too expensive to keep healthy are put to sleep (for their own good). After that I suppose the young and healthy will be living on Soylent Green....
    As morality continues to decline without arrest, society slides downward into chaos. Every civilization has faced this and fallen. The last time this happened mankind came perilously close to extinction.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    I know who he was, Gnat. I am not going to comment on every nuance in the merry go round of your typical comments.

  • Shining One
    Shining One

    Hi Gnat,
    >No group, then, and individuals must be judged by their own actions.
    Has the individual been born again and accepted Jesus Christ as his/her Lord and savior? Might we be likely to see some evidence of a life changing, personal relationship with the Lord?
    >If a Muslim, then, saved a village, could God take the credit? How about the rescuers right now pulling people from the rubble in Pakistan?
    Do you understand 'divine providence'? Secondly, are we saved by our actions or by God's grace that allows us to believe? Can the unredeemed be heroic, of course they can. But that is not the issue from a biblical standpoint. You should know that.

  • jgnat

    Do merry-go-rounds have nuances?

    I do think it is directly to point. You condemn all Communists and Trade-unionists. You dismiss me too, as an athiest-loving-lukewarm-questionable-christian-in-your view. You attacked me before you knew me, based on my association alone.

    A fellow Christian, by every definition (yours and mine) regretted his own lack of concern for the very people you condemn.

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