Scholar, please don't post and run...

by in a new york bethel minute 99 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • scholar


    Scholar is not a hit and run sort of person. He is not a coward. He has been posting on this subject for nigh on four years now and has never run from a fight. Scholar is tough and can handle with ease any criticism or intellectual assault or insult. Scholar is here for the long term defending celebrated WT scholars and supporting the sacred date of 607 BCE.

    scholar JW

  • Hellrider
    Scholar is tough and can handle with ease any criticism or intellectual assault or insult. Scholar is here for the long term defending celebrated WT scholars and supporting the sacred date of 607 BCE.

    Defending celebrated WT scholars? In the same way as when children argue? One says yes, the other says no, the first one says yes (again), the other says no (again), etc etc ad infinitum. You see, you never actually respond, you never answer questions! You just spew the same "celebrated WT Scholars"-phrase, again and again and again. And since when did the 607-date become sacred? And what an incredibly stupid word to use. I`m beginning to agree with OldSoul, actually, you might just be a troll after all (especially taking into consideration that you now, again, refer to yourself in the third person. Very few people are that nuts!)

  • luna2

    scholar, you are so funny. You didn't answer anything. LMAO!

  • littlerockguy

    Scholar said: For each of these stages there are many scriptures and secular records which confirm the above including the climax in 607 BCE

    I asked for evidence to support your claim: post the works of reference for me to check please instead of going around in circles saying there are many scriptures and secular records.

  • lawrence


    The Three Stooges are celebrated. Fred Franz and his group of morons are not celebrated - they are venerated by those who deny Creature Worship. That is as ridiculous as Sunni and Shiite Muslims fighting over who is the heir of the 72 Virgins.

  • trevor
    Scholar is here for the long term defending celebrated WT scholars and supporting the sacred date of 607 BCE.

    How can a date be sacred? Particularly one on which the Bible claims Jehovah god engineered the slaughter of men women and children in the most barbaric of ways.

    The date this evil act took place is rather irrelevant. The fact that it did take place is pure evil. Why blame a god for such an evil act? The devil has never been accused of such evil and he is supposed to be the bad guy. Scholar your association with such wickedness and keenness to support it and try to give it some sacred meaning is most regrettable.

    How trying to prove that Jehovah god was behind all this will encourage goodness in people is beyond belief. What is the next sacred date we can look forward to? A reliable date for Armageddon and the slaughter of more hapless people?

    Words such as celebration and sacred have no place around such a subject.

  • stillajwexelder

    the sacred date of 607 BCE.

    TIME was "invented" by man - how on earth can it be sacred - it is purely by agreed International Standards 60 SECONDS TO A MINUTE ETC

  • scholar


    That is what apostates do like children they parrot the nonsense that there is no evidence for 607 and that it must be wrong or that the date is impossible. The simple fatcs are that this sacred date established by celebrated WT scholars is a sound, evidenced-based and calsuable date. To illustrate the point, the 2003 WT has an article on Noah's Log which contains a timeline in the Augusr 15 issue. This timeline presented by the WT Society illustrates the functionality and practicality of bibllical chronology.

    Apostate and secular chronology could never present such a timeline from the Fall of Jerusalem and the Flood. Here is a challenge for all critics of our chronology to produce such a time line.

    scholar JW

  • littlerockguy

    Scholar says: The simple fatcs are that this sacred date established by celebrated WT scholars is a sound, evidenced-based and calsuable date.

    If there is any evidence to support your stand concerning the year 607 Scholar, please provide it, the names of the publications, writers, page numbers and possibly the year of publication; and Im not talking bout the WTS publications. Im talking about real evidence. This is the third time I have asked you for the evidence and you completely ignore me; most likely because there isn't any.

  • OldSoul

    Sadly, in his haste to chuckle to himself up his sleeve Scholar has revealed himself as a troll. Repeating an annoying phrase is not something one of Jehovah's Witnesses who want to explain something would do. He uses the phrase in at least every other post now.

    That is a trait that is unique to the Internet/debate troll.

    For the forum, if ONLY Scholar celebrates the WT scholars, isn't his statement technically true? Since we can't know what Scholar celebrates except by believing what he posts, let us assume that HE celebrates them.

    Just a thought.


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