Scholar, please don't post and run...

by in a new york bethel minute 99 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Hellrider

    Celebrated WT Scholar JW:

    That is what apostates do like children they parrot the nonsense that there is no evidence for 607 and that it must be wrong or that the date is impossible

    If you say so. My impression of parrots, however is that conversations with them go something like this:

    Me: So Polly, do you want a cracker?

    Polly: Celebrated WT Scholars have established the sacred date of 607!

    Me: Sure you don want a cracker, Polly?

    Polly: Celebrated WT Scholars have established the sacred date of 607!

    Me: You`re just full of shit, aren`t you, Polly?

    Polly: Celebrated WT Scholars have...(etc etc etc, you get the picture)

    The simple fatcs are that this sacred date established by celebrated WT scholars is a sound, evidenced-based and calsuable date.

    What evidence? You are obviously not referring to the business tablets, the astronomical evidence, or any of the other evidence, as these clearly points to the date 586/587. You must then be referring to the Biblical evidence. However, you are interpreting the biblical evidence wrongly, as shown to you by numerous posters on this forum. Your claim is that the 70 years must be counted from the date of return of the exiles in 537, counting backwards to 607. However, nowhere does the Bible say that the 70 years refer to the period between the fall of the Temple, and the return of the exiles!

    Jermiah 25:11 This whole area will become a desolate wasteland. These nations will be subject to the king of Babylon for seventy years

    The "desolate wasteland", that`s all Jeremiah says! And that "these nations will be subject to the king of Babylon for seventy years"! Where on earth did you get the idea that this had to include the destruction of the Temple! Jeremiah refers many times to the destruction of Zion, but nowhere does he say that this would happen in the beginning of the 70 years as subject to the king of Babylon! And neither does Daniel!!!

    Please prove how the 70 years in question, would have to refer to the time period between the return of the exiles, and the destruction of the Temple, so we can settle this once and for all!

    To illustrate the point, the 2003 WT has an article on Noah's Log which contains a timeline in the Augusr 15 issue.

    Yeah yeah, I remember the timelines, although 2003 was way after my time, I assume it was the same old bs. I even remember an article from the late 80s or early 90s, where the WT claimed that they had the solution to an "astronomical disreprancy", that it had to do with that story in the OT when God made the day into night, or something like that, to help one of the kings of Israel in battle (I think it was that battle where God dropped stones from the skies, can`t remember where that was). Such utter bs. Yeah yeah, I know that there is a detailed timeline all the way back to when Adam was created, "we just don`t know how long Adam was alone in paradise".

    Heard it all before. Now you just concentrate on explaining where your celebrated WT scholar went from "desolate wasteland" and "subject to the king of Babylon for 70 years" to that the Temple would have to have been destroyed in 607 bc.

  • steve2
    That is what apostates do like children they parrot the nonsense that there is no evidence for 607 and that it must be wrong or that the date is impossible.

    Apostates do what apostates do so there should be no surprises there. What is surprising is that pro-Watchtower Scholar selectively ignores the "celebrated WT scholars" and chooses to communicate with apostates... Worse still, scholar uses an ex-JW site to publicise his championing of these "celebrated scholars". Boy, does this ever demonstrate how much help he thinks those "celebrated scholars" need to establish their earthly credentials. Hypocrisy personified!

  • scholar


    Josephus provides abundant secular evidence for the chronology developed by celebrated WT scholars and published by the WT Society. His statements clearly support the sacred date of 607 based upon a rigorous interpretaion of the seventy years of exile, servitude and desolation, a composite formula first developed on thisd board by scholar himself and attested to by Josephus.

    scholar JW

  • Honesty

    I have finally figured out the identities of the celebrated WT scholars.

    Fred Franz

    G. Gangas


    A.D. Schroeder

    Milton Henschell

    Well, maybe not celebrated and definitely not scholars but they did twist the scriptures and came up with the New World Translation for all the delusional JW's.

  • Hellrider

    And again you refused to answer my question, Scholar! You "hint" to an answer, with your:

    His statements clearly support the sacred date of 607 based upon a rigorous interpretaion of the seventy years of exile, servitude and desolation

    ...but that`s pure circular reasoning: The interpretation of the "desolated land"-statements must, according to the "celebrated WT scholars" be rigorous, and include a claim that the Temple was destroyed at the beginning of the 70 years, otherwise there will be no 2520 year (7 times) of Gods abscense from "his people", which would reoccur when Christ returned, and the apocalyptic events of 1914 shows that this is the time the 2520 years ended, so that would mean that the Temple had to be destroyed in 607 yadi yadi yadi bla bla bla.

    Heard all that before, Scholar. The fact is that there are tons of documents which clearly show that yes, Palestine and Judah was conquered early on in his reign, but he didn`t start reigning until 605! 2 years after the WTS says he destroyed the Temple! Therefore: the WTS`s interpretation of the 70 years are obviously wrong, wrong, wrong, and must refer to the number of years Babylon would be in power over Judah!!!

    And that, dear celebrated WT scholar, is an example of an argument that has no circular reasoning. Do you see the difference? I doubt it.

    Anyway, for anyone interested in learning the truth about how the WTS twists, turns, ignores the evidence that doesn`t suit them, to support the 607-claim, read Alan Feuerbachers excellent artice on the subject, here:

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Well Scholar finally indicated a reference - Josephus. I doubt there is real evidence there to support 607 as the date of the destruction of the temple at Jerusalem - but if there is please post the evidence and not just the sourcename.


  • littlerockguy


    I have the complete works of Josephus; can you give me the name of the book, chapter, page number?

  • Hellrider

    100 $ says he won`t .

  • littlerockguy

    Of course he wont because it doesn't exist outside of WTS- they talk around, sidestep, give vague references (if any at all) or just bits of references out of context and employ intellectual and scholastic dishonesty to push their views.

  • scholar


    If you have Josephus then read it through and you will find four refernces in the Antiquities, two references in Against Apion and one reference in the Wars. In total there are seven references supporting the chronology of celebrated WT scholars.

    scholar JW

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