Ridicolous JW folklore

by Hellrider 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Leolaia

    Hellrider....I heard the same thing as an urban legend in Hawaii, that someone changed his name to Jehovah and then died as a result.

  • Hellrider

    Leolaia, that`s just amasing. From Hawai to Norway, ha ha.

    Under74, about the eggs, it wasn`t just brown eggs. From I was the age of 1-6, we ran a farm that we rented, and we had chickens, cows, sheep etc. So we didn`t have to buy milk at the store, but, oh yes, we had to buy eggs, even though we had like 2000 chickens laying eggs. This was because there always was a chance that there might be blood in the eggs that came straight from the chickens, because they hadn`t been (oh, don`t know the english word) going thru the factory process, being checked for disease, and being seen thru with that light-thing, you know, the thing that checks the eggs for having chickens in them, blood, and things like that. Forget about salmonella (which there always is a chance of in eggs), oh no, the important thing was blood. So stupid.

  • Legolas

    This thread is too fuuny...LOL! I went in as an adult and heard of the smurfs but I didn't hear of the rest....Please keep them coming!!!!

  • AllAlongTheWatchtower

    hideme: REM was probably on the taboo list for the lyrics "that's me in the corner, losing my religion".

  • Tez

    One of the congregations we were in it was a No No to have Fancy dress parties, and Karaoke was viewed as positively evil?? Anyone else come across this???

  • skinnyboy

    One of the congregations we were in it was a No No to have Fancy dress parties, and Karaoke was viewed as positively evil?? Anyone else come across this???

    only if Val Doonican was on the Karaoke machine!!

    if only they knew if you played Val's records backwards, the messages of pure satanism would spring out at you like an incubus!!!

    I bet the old vinyl the Kingdom Melodies came on had backward tracks on...... revealing all the secrets they tried to hide all except for one lone maverick in the press room... wouldn;t that be a coup!

  • Hellrider

    Legolas: Smurfs? What`s with the smurfs? I`ve never heard about that?

  • Legolas
    Legolas: Smurfs? What`s with the smurfs? I`ve never heard about that?

    Yea right!!!!!.....LMAO

  • Mr.D.Frost

    Oh god the good ol smurfs tale that was classic. There supposedly demonized. One of my old friends back when i was still young and easily convinced, convinced a number of people that the smurf toys he had all came alive one night and tried to tie him down. Good Lord I wonder how long it took for the parents to make that kid believe that.

  • rem

    When we were kids my brother and sister and I got Gremlins coloring books - based on the movie. I'm not sure how we convinced our mom to let us have them since Gremlins were little demons.

    Anyway, the next day the babysitter was watching us as we were coloring. We took a drive in her beat-up car (was it also a gremlin?) and when we parked the engine wouldn't stop. Of course we had our coloring books with us and the babysitter made the connection that the Gremlins were keeping the car from turning off.

    She literally went hysterical and threw our books all over the lawn and started praying. We were freaked out at how scared she was of these little coloring books.

    Well, the next door neighbor saw the commotion and came over. He happened to be a mechanic and was also an elder in our hall. He fixed the car in a jiffy and just kinda smiled and nodded when the babysitter explained the gremlin-car malfunction connection. LOL


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