Breast Cancer

by simplesally 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • Es

    I would def do the same, i have a 3 year old and i would rather have no breasts than not be around to see him grow up]

    all the best babe


  • confusedjw

    SS - don't ask me I second guess and beat myself up all the time. So either way I would be dealing with possible regrets and perhaps you are - BUT you'll never regret taking every step you could to MAX out your chances of being with your daughter.

    I applaud you.

  • BrendaCloutier

    (((( Sally )))))

    I have no idea what choice I would make as I've not been faced with it. It's easy to say one thing now...

    I think you made the best choice for you. For your child. I can very much appreciate that.

    Love and hugs


  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    Mastectomy, Sally. I hope yall both survive this for many, many years of thrivin' livin' to come.



  • BrendaCloutier
    I hope to be a survivor not a victim!!!!!!

    Sally, you are LIVING with cancer, whether it's in your body or not, not dying from it. A big distinction in attitude. Like a smoker who gives up smoking thinking of themselves as a non-smoker.

    * Muah! *

  • avishai

    As someone who watched a parent die of cancer as a child, I applaud you. A lot. It was the worst, most hellish thing I have ever been through. And hearing my brothers told their father was dead......

    (((((Simplesally))))) You are one HELL of a lady!!!! You did the right thing.

  • codeblue

    (((Simple Sally)))

    My sister n law, was diagnosed with it in 96...she chose the lump removal and no chemo/radiation.............Must be they discovered it in the early stages.....she is just fine! I visited with her this summer... I don't know what I would Mom died of cancer (bone marrow that spread everywhere), so I could see myself doing the removal of the breast and opinion... Whatever you chose is personal and no one should judge you for that, at all!

    BTW, how are you doing? Did you get the mail I sent you?



  • sf


  • bem

    (((((SSally))))) Being with our children and watching them grow up is so important for both us and our babies. You can raise your daughter to have such an awareness of challenges and decisions we may be faced with. Such a sad thing to face and live through. To you a beautiful survivor.

  • bikerchic


    I honestly don't know what I would do and believe me I have given it a lot of thought. My sister did the lump removal without radiation or chemo and she is in her fifth year of being cancer free. She chose to do a natural herbal cure instead of the harsh chemicals. She is also a huge worrier which I think isn't the best way to live your life. Me I would opt for some positive feedback and visualization techniques along with whatever I chose after becoming well informed of my prognosis. I do think if it was beyond hope I would just get my things in order and die quietly, but that's just me.

    I spent the day today at the Nike Campus signing in cyclist to do the first annual LiveStrong bike event here in Portland. The attitude there is such a positive one and I couldn't help but think of what Lance said in his book It's Not About the Bike to become well informed on all aspects/cures/treatments for the type of cancer you have, leave nothing unread and absolutely know what your doctors are telling you. Then you are better prepared to make an informed decision. The decision you make is the right one for you Kelly.

    It sounds like you are pretty well informed, the hard part might be to convince your body/mind and soul that you are riding it of this terrible unwelcome invader. It's time to play PacMan Invader and gobble up all those nasty cancer cells, you go girl you have a lot to live for!

    I saw the mastectomy pics and it almost made me throw up. It's so hard going thru hard to go thru reconstruction. I wish I had the sane mind to have done the lumpectomy. But I couldn't. I have a 4 year old and had to do the worst for me to do the best for her.

    You are your daughters hero! We as parents make so many sacrifices for our children, this one Kelly is a real teacher. You are awesome and like the guys who like to brag you'll have a scar to show for it, wear it proud.

    BTW when I did the Walk for a Cure on Sunday I had like I said I would a pink ribbon pinned on my visor for you and one for Brenda, also a special one for Ian. It was a wonderful experience walking among so many ladies (a couple of men too) in their pink T-shirts to show that they are survivors, I hugged so many of them just happy to see them there! One lady was so surprised that a complete stranger was happy she was alive, heck I thought that was what the whole event was all about, anyway it was great!

    You take care!

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