JW Ladies: starved for love?

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  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    i have never felt so lonely and desperate for love and acceptance when i was a dub more than any other time of my life

    This was absolutely true for me too.

    The only time my elder husband paid any attention to me was when he decided HE wanted sex.

    I think most of the wives feel terribly neglected but have to cover it up and put on a show of being the perfect little dub family.

    Inside we were dying

  • Preston
    As Steve and Joe once said, "Y ou ain't seen nothin' till you're down on a muffin, then you're sure to be a changin' your ways"

    I know a Steve and a Joe... and not once have they said ANYHTING remotely similar to me

    - Preston

  • Finally-Free

    I found many of the JW women were very flirty with me, both before I was a JW and after I got baptized - even after I was married. And it's understandable. Women need sex, and lots of it. Where were they going to get it? From their husbands??? Where would they get the energy, after going to meetings, preparing for meetings, service, preparing for service, congregational politics, preparing for congregational politics, etc.

    If anything can cause erectile dysfunction it's meetings at the Kingdom Hall.


  • rebel8

    I can't say I personally observed any jw woman who was attached flirting with other men. It was only the single, unattached ladies that would flirt with anything in pants. And they were doing it for the fun of flirting, not to start a relationship, IMO.

  • daystar

    I was probably too young and naive to have noticed that going on in my old cong. But boy, there were some gorgeous ladies!

    Makes me think sometimes that I might go back just for some sweet bootay. But on the other hand, I don't think the tradeoff in anxiety, guilt, lies, etc. would be worth it.

  • Soledad
    I think the JW women are starved for affection, attention and love. They are belittled, ignored, talked down to and treated like second class citizens. So it would stand to reason that any male that pays attention to them would be pounced upon like a piece of candy.

    I couldn't have said that better myself! I was so depressed for so long because of this The ladies in my congregation were sluts.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee
    Women need sex, and lots of it.

    Well before that can happen they need some kind of emotional connection. If he's been out all day at work, runs in the door, shovels food into his mouth and then hustles everyone off to a meeting and then the wife and kids have to wait around endlessly for the elders meeting ot be over and then drag everyone home, then he disappears into the study leaving the wife to get the kids to bed and by then she is exhausted and he comes in and wants sex

    I tell ya

    It ain't happening

    Yes they may need sex but they need a relationship with this stranger first

  • candidlynuts

    i think it depends on the individuals personality..

    i was so in love with my ex , other men just didnt exsist.

    once i was divorced i was pissed off at my lack of experience and would have gone wild if i wasnt such

    a big chicken!

  • Ingenuous

    What Carol said.

    Add to that the frustration of being single... being single and trying to maintain your chastity... being single and trying to maintain your chastity and being a member of an organization where women (overall) greatly outnumber men...

  • Elsewhere

    When I was still a "Fine Upstanding Brother" on the fast-tract to ElderDUM parents from other congregations would parade their daughters in front of me trying to get me to marry them... they had no shame at all.

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