Where in the bible does it talk about Field Service or preaching work?

by Buck 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • defd

    Defd.....Jgnat is NOT haughty I think you know she would wipe the floor with you, sorry!

    THINK AGAIN my friend. Look back at some RECENT discussions. When she was CLEARLY wrong and without words, she left the conversation. She is ALL talk.

  • Nosferatu

    Buck, if you look at the whole situation... it's not about how many people are reached with the "Good News", but it's the amount of hours that you spend trying to spread the "Good News". If it were truly about preaching the "good news" worldwide, they'd be counting the amount of people reached, not the number of hours spent knocking on doors with nobody home and eating donuts during break.

    It also matters how many magazines you place. It doesn't matter who takes them, whether they be a householder or a table at the laundromat. What matters is getting those magazines out!

    Also, I believe if you don't feel you'd make a good salesman, why would you take on that job? That's how I felt when I was out on service. I'm a very technical minded person. I prefer to let someone else deal with the customers.

  • jgnat

    Well, the proof is in the pudding. I can back up what I say about the Good News, starting with Jesus, then Peter, then finally in Paul. And most if it will be scripture references, not my own words.

  • jaffacake

    To defd or any JW

    What is the good news, the gospel?

    Have you read Paul’s letter to the Galatians. Paul who was “astonished” that so soon they were “turning to a different Gospel – not that there is another one”. One of the people who Paul “opposed to his face” for straying from “the truth” of the Gospel was Peter himself. (Gal 2:11). Paul then went on to explain in Galatians what “the truth” of the Gospel really is. I then read Paul’s letter to the Ephesians and this contains the same consistent version of the revealed mystery of the Gospel. In the book of Romans, and elsewhere in his letters, we find the consistent messages about the true meaning of the Gospel.

    This troubles me, because on those occasions when Jehovah’s Witnesses have rang my doorbell, they have preached a very different “good news”, as if the 2000 year old version is out of date. They tried to teach me what appeared to be a 20 th century updated version, with 1914 a central part of the good news of the kingdom. But the Bible talks of an everlasting good news which is the basis for “the faith that was once for all time delivered to the holy ones”. Jesus prophesied that “this good news of the kingdom will be preached to the whole world”. Can any Jehovah’s witness read Paul’s letters to the Galatians or Ephesians which explain the true meaning of the good news, and say that this is the “this good news” (Jesus’ words) that they preach on the doorstep? Remember, the book of Revelation was not even written, nor was the New Testamant written when what Jesus described as “This Good News” was preached by the apostles in its unadulterated form. The witnesses who visited me did not do what I would describe as “declaring the good news”. A brief presentation and distribution of a book or a magazine. I therefore ask whether the typical door to door activity qualifies as an effective witness for Christianity, or is it more about putting time in and doing duty. Is the emphasis on quantity or quality, and what is the true motivation?

    If I turn to the book of Acts, and the various writings of Jesus’ Apostles, to see how they present the “good news”. The good news preached on doorsteps now by Jehovah’s Witnesses is in stark contrast. Their message to me was about negative world conditions and a new world directed by a new heavenly government. Yet presenting such a version of the gospel is precisely what the Watchtower criticised the catholics for doing.

    Have Jehovah’s Witnesses, like the Galatians, “so soon turned to a different gospel – not that there is another”?
    Paul then states clearly what the real gospel was and is. He repeats this in Ephesians, Romans etc. Yet it seems that the Watchtower president, admittedly prone to many errors, redefines the truth of the gospel to as follows:

    The Society's former president, Frederick W. Franz, in the morning Bible discussion for the headquarters family on ,

    "The sole purpose of our existence as a Society is to announce the Kingdom established in 1914 and to sound the warning of the fall of the Great. We have a special message to deliver."

    This leads me to another question. Does the Watchtower Society really teach that the Gospel, and Paul’s letters were written for or directed to me? Were they written for or directed to faithful Jehovah’s Witnesses? I know Witnesses teach that the responsibilities in the Christian scriptures apply to us all, but what about the privileges promised in those same Scriptures? Is that full good news message referred to by Jesus Christ and the Apostles for all mankind or just for the anointed class of Jehovah’s Witnesses? If the latter, can someone please show me where in Scriptures it says that the Bible was not written to and for all? The Watchtower’s teachings seem to lead a novice Bible scholar like me to the conclusion that all but the anointed class seem to be under the Old Covenant, and the New Covenant in its fullness, does not apply to the rest of us? Is the New Testament for me and for the typical Jehovah’s Witness? A yes or no on this one would be appreciated please.

    The Bible does command me keep testing my faith so I don’t think my studies should offend anyone who has the Scriptures as their Standard.

  • kid-A

    Why so snarky defd?
    Did'nt we all wish you a happy birthday yesterday????

  • defd

    Is the New Testament for me and for the typical Jehovah’s Witness?A yes or no on this one would be appreciated please.

    Yes it is for ANYONE who believes in Jesus!

  • defd

    Kid a

    A few people here get under my skin. I know i need to chill. Thanx for the reminder

  • Legolas
    Kid a

    A few people here get under my skin. I know i need to chill. Thanx for the reminder

    Well LMAO.....We get under your skin!!!!!

    Oh Defd I love Ya...I really do!

  • jaffacake


    Then why did the JW PO tell me, no the new testament is not written to us, the new covenant is only for the anointed 'class'? He was very clear about this. He did say JWs come under the responsibilities contained in the NT, but we do not get the benefits, which are only obtained indirectly, by associating with the so-called FDS.

    He also said Jesus was not the mediator for me or him, nor 99.9% of JWs. I would welcome clarification from someone please.

  • jaffacake


    To find sciptural evidence, I would highly recommend Chapter 15 (The Greatness of The Good News) in the book In Search of Christian Freedom, Raymond Franz.


    Also, you may wish to pray for guidance, and then read Paul's letters to the Galatians, Romans and Ephesians. You may even wish to check out a different version rather than NWT. Hope ths helps.

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