The Rightness of Shunning Family

by Cygnus 10 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Cygnus

    *** w81 9/15 p. 30 If a Relative Is Disfellowshiped . . . ***

    A highly respected Christian elder writes:

    "In our area some disfellowshiped ones with large families have been met, as they enter the lobby of the Kingdom Hall, with a fanfare of backslapping and handshaking (even though the disfellowshiped one was known by them to be still living immorally). I feel a deep concern that those who have been disfellowshiped need to see that their course is hated by Jehovah and by his people and that they should feel a real need to become genuinely repentant. What will help these disfellowshiped ones to change when they are continually greeted by all in their large families who know of their practices?"


    At the Kingdom Hall no less, God's house of Love and Mercy! How terrible to demonstrate loving association with a family member at a place where Christian freedom and well-being is supposed to be encouraged.

    Edited to add: Everybody, family included, are to shun a disfellowshipped person without even knowing the "sin" or reasons behind his being disfellowshipped.

  • skyman

    No comment all of this sh-t makes me sick. The BORG what all to be assimilated and be the same clone.

  • kid-A

    sickening.....but not at all surprising......

  • Honesty

    One of the many reasons my shadow will never again fall upon the entranceway of that judgemental den of snakes.

  • Gretchen956

    No, in my case the WTS did me a huge favor. Life has been SO much better without my family in it! (I am very serious). However, perhaps had they not been in it (third generation) things would not have been so bad. Who knows they would have probably gone in for some other mind numbing cult!


  • steve2
    What will help these disfellowshiped ones to change when they are continually greeted by all in their large families who know of their practices?"

    Paradoxically, there is some truth to this spiritual blackmail. I shudder to think that, had the JWs not shunned me, I may have coasted along in that religion for even more depressed and wasted years. Their blanket shunning of me shook me out of my stupor. I developed the tenacity which enabled me to get back on my feet again and get the hell out of the cold and dark Kingdom Hall into the sunshine and light outside. I say, "Praise be to the heartless shunning admonition in the Watchtower".

  • th3sh0cker

    Hey there- Same thing happened here, but to all of my friends -- and at least they all came to see it was BS. The best friends I have grew up JW and we all left together.

  • Hellrider

    Hm...maybe Steve is right. Maybe "apostates" should embrace the practise of shunning, encourage it. Something like reverse psychology...if they were to get the impression that DFed and shunned don`t mind being shunned, at least their sick little gloating over the shunning would be choked.

  • talesin
    One of the many reasons my shadow will never again fall upon the entranceway of that judgemental den of snakes.

    Applause, Honesty! With rare exceptions, I now shun JWs. tal welcome to the forum, th3sh0cker

  • crazyblondeb

    I had to turn it around and "shun" my JW mom. She and I can't live in the same state. She knew about my stepdad molesting me and acted stupid. Till she started blaming me for it. My 3 younger sisters and brother are all finally out. She blames it on me. (Which is ok with me!)


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