unforgivable sin--sin against the holy spirit

by rebel8 21 Replies latest watchtower beliefs


    Firstly, we have to know what Holy Spirit is. Thirty years in the Org. has told me that it is God's Active Force, but now I am unsure. If we are to know if we are guilty of this serious offence we need to know what exactly the Holy Spirit is, so that we can make sure that we do notoffen "IT/Him".

    Without the WT glasses on, the scriptures seem so different.


  • Ticker

    I had this question about a year and a half ago or more and this site really seemed to explain it well. I'll post the link to the site. It is from the Bible answer man site, the writer of the article being Hank Hanegraaff. I thought it made alot more sence then any JW rendering of what sinning against the holy spirit is because their interpretation is automatically cult biased.


    This comment from his story really stuck out and made alot of sence to me;

    In the ensuing hours I was virtually paralyzed by my fear. When my father returned from work, he found me lying in bed, agonizing over my impending physical and spiritual doom. “Dad,” I stammered when he entered the bedroom, “I’ve committed the unforgivable sin... the world is coming to an end... and I’m headed for hell!”

    To my utter astonishment he simply smiled. To this day I can still hear his words: “If you are truly concerned, you have not committed the unforgivable sin.”

    I think its a good read for ones with this question because it shows that their is no connection between leaving the JW religion and sinning against the holy spirit as they would like their members to think. Its just a psychological control tactic they use very sucessfully.


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