Anybody else have this announced? Special Meeting on Friday night

by CaptainSchmideo 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • ashitaka

    Hahahahaha. A new organized book for an unorganized religion. Hahaha.

  • horrible life
    horrible life

    R.S.V.P. To Whom It May Concern: My husband will not be able to accept you invitation to your Friday night social. We will be in Dallas, at a seminar given by Ron White of the Blue Collar Comedy Central. We will be discussing alot of the same things that you might. Sex, fornication, smoking, drugs, wild women, crotch scratching men, The main focus will be learning new curse words. Sorry he will not be able to make it.

    Sincerely Horrible life.

  • 95stormfront
    I never tried to control her actions at the hall in anyway. She wore whatever she wanted, and said whatever she wanted. She used to wear smokin hot dresses to meetings.........form fitting, low cut with high heels and no panty hose................damm!!!!

    This post is useless without pics...........

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Boy, I hope it goes well! I sure miss carrying the mikes and taking attendence. What spiritual bounty comes with those assignments.


  • jwsons

    "Experiences in the past show that, brothers and sisters, who neglected this kind of announcement are all died in the Armaggedon ! But Jehovah protected who attend the meeting regularly to be brainwashed "

  • CaptainSchmideo
    Captain, It's probably just a local congregation thing, not a national (international) meeting.

    If they invited all baptized brothers they want to talk about reaching out.

    If they invited only servants and elders they want to discuss the upcoming kingdom ministry school

    It turns out this was right on the money.

    Interesting statistic: They broke down the numbers, and stated that if they took out the hours reported by elders and ministerial servants, and all sisters,

    For the past three months, average time 4.5 hrs

    for the past six months, average time 5 hrs.

    Way to go, slackers! I don't feel so bad about my lack of activity, because everyone else not lucky enough to hold a microphone is doing diddley as well.

    The funny part was when a brother (who I believe already is an elder) was asking from what the additional requirements were for being recommended. He was trying to get them to say how many hours a month, but of course, the PO couldn't just come out and say "national average." There was a lot of tap dancing and hem hawing about "guidelines" and "if you are reaching out, and trying to be exemplary, then your hours will go up, because you will be doing what you are supposed to be doing."

    Also heard a funny expression "Storing credits up with Jehovah". I guess like Green Stamps, or Camel Cash.

    All in all, a fun way to spend a Friday night...

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    Thanks for the update. You certainly took one for the team.

    Since Friday night TV sucks, the only thing you missed was that Janelle was evicted on Big Brother. (Yes, I have no life.)

  • stillajwexelder

    Meetings like this are held from time to time and nearly always conducted by the Service Committee. It is to encourage baptized brothers to do a little more on the ministry so that the elders are comfortable using them for microphones, sound etc. These days in some congregations they are using brothers that would never have been used in the 1970s and 1980s. I very rarely- almost never go on the ministry and yt I have "privileges in the congregation" So I am sure meetings will be held like this around the country and possibly other countries too, in order to encourage brothers to reach out

  • stillajwexelder

    We once went to a DC with congregations assigned from the hillbilly areas of Missouri. It was like looking at a sea of pentecostals. Then there was my wife, with a slinky black little dress and HIGH heels. There were so many pissed off sisters staring her down all day. It was so funny! Repressed bitches!

    I am unsure which I would have liked to have witnessed most --- There were so many pissed off sisters staring her down all day. It was so funny! Repressed bitches!

    OR ----- Then there was my wife, with a slinky black little dress and HIGH heels.

    answer - BOTH!

  • JH

    A meeting on a Friday night???

    Why don't they meet at the bar for a change?

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