Now they "Excommunicate"??

by Lilycurly 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Chia

    I haven't heard the term "excommunicate" myself, unless talking to non Dubs, because they don't understand what disfellowshipped means.

  • Honesty
    i only got dfed 6 months ago but am still at most meetings and they definately arent using it in england x

    I bet that was one helluva party they threw for you when you came back!!! Did it make the one for the prodigal son look like a wake? I bet even the most pious pillars in the congregation gave you a hug and kiss they were so happy to see you.

  • lawrence


    A grand shindig - crabs and ice water. Yeah a big hug! " BTW - your group has hall cleaning this weekend. "

  • peacefulpete

    While the modern Catholic Church rarely excommunicates is is interesting that it is still on the books and a great deal of rules have been written on the practice. Here's the C. Encyclopedia article that describes the details:CATHOLIC ENCYCLOPEDIA: Excommunication

    Note that "doubts about the Catholic faith" are not punishable with excommunication, but "reading books fobidden" is.

    It is likewise felt that the declaration of excommunication is from heaven. The Catholic Church is still a cult.

  • Narkissos

    Fwiw, the Catholic Encyclopedia is about one century old now:

    Doctrine hasn't changed since; practice and expression have.

  • Pole

    :The Brooklyn Inquisition has met and has determined _____ to be unfit to sell our line of fairy tale books and fantasy magazines.

    LOL. Good one, lawrence.


  • steve2
    not even close lawrence

    But close enough that you've been hooked into this ex-JW site and can't resist it. Naughty defd: The governing body can't see you but Jehovah can.

  • steve2

    Hey remember that JWs often use more "accessible" words and terms when they're speaking to non-JWs. For example, I'm amazed at the number of JWs who are quoted in the media talking about their "church" - yet they don't use that word very often amongst themselves.

    This reminds me of Judge Rutherford's dislike of the word "religion" and his attempts to ban its use among the witnesses when referring to themselves as a group of true believers. I remember in the 1950s and 60s that my grandfather - even then an unthinking automaton of the Watchtower - still had difficulty talking about the JWs as a religious group. He loved the line of Rutherford's that said "Religion is a snare and a racket" - which, inadvertently is a bitingly apt description of the watchtower Society!

  • InquiryMan

    The term excommunicate is being used instead of disfellowship in the "Organization book". The change of wording has also been implemented into other languages. It is a politically more correct term I guess. Also, the word previously used had a very bad tone to it in many languages, whereas excommunicate sounds more technical and some (uneducated) ones might not even understand it.

  • InquiryMan


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