IQ Test, Have you ever taken one ?

by oldflame 46 Replies latest jw experiences

  • rebel8

    That explains why I'm so bored with my job then.

  • tetrapod.sapien

    it says gardeners are at the bottom of the totem pole. but i would LOVE to be a gardener. i don't think i would get bored of it, honestly.

    ironically, "civil servants" are at the top of the totem pole. if this includes politicians, then i have to say: "WTF?" - however, i do know that there are actually some genius firefighters and cops out there. i was watching a NYC cop on jeopardy last week, and he was cleaning up!

  • talesin

    Yah, I was tested in school, and supposedly am a genius. Big deal. It doesn't get you anywhere, though, when you are emotionally and physically so flucked up from torture and abuse that you can't bring your head above water.


  • damselfly

    I've never taken one. My brother scored at the genius level in his ( my mom didn't believe it and made them test again, he scored even higher! ) and since I'm the older and wiser sister I'm sure I'm even smarter.


  • tetrapod.sapien

    a sort of paradox that i think IQ tests elucidate, for me anyways, is the fact that we can "imagine" better brains, with our less than better brains.

    although we live modern lives, our brains are wired primitively by natural selection for raw survival in the wild. this is because culture evolves so much faster than genomes. so, these IQ tests, test our primitively wired brains in the only ways that our primitive brains know how to be tested, or can handle. and yet, we have the capacity to define what a higher intelligence would be.

    and with regards IQ tests, i also like to note that geniuses are often not logic powerhouses at all, and as mentioned, brilliant in single fields whilst wanting in others. they may score very poorly on an IQ test in some instances. and yet other certifiable geniuses score extremely high.

    a genius does not need to go through steps B and C to get from A to D, if you get my meaning.


  • Mulan
    and with regards IQ tests, i also like to note that geniuses are often not logic powerhouses at all, and as mentioned, brilliant in single fields whilst wanting in others. they may score very poorly on an IQ test in some instances. and yet other certifiable geniuses score extremely high.

    Good point. I have a relative that is a genius, but has been a failure at almost everything for his entire life. He is so brilliant, and could have done anything he chose. He is wonderful conversationalist, extremely well read, funny, talented at everything, writing, art, music, singing, math, etc. Can't hold a job, doesn't own a thing of value. He is 70 now, a widower, and lives with one of his sons, on a very small SS check.

    But, he still has great ideas for businesses, but never gets very far with them. Fear of failure, or fear of success? Brain power doesn't always mean success.

  • Carol

    I scored in the High 130's using the written method, I've never taken one on-line.

    My son scored 147 and my daughter 145....they were/are SLD (specific learning diability) students...go figure. They are also both left-handed.

    I worked at NYU in the early '70's, in the Chemical Engineering Department....around a number of "geniuses" I'm talking 140+++ IQ's, these men could create bombs....give chemical and math equations to the nth degree.....however none of them could write a letter, transfer a call or place a conference call and god forbid they had to pick up their drycleaning, figure out a bus/train schedule or order their own airline tickets! They just couldn't do it...there's something to be said for "common sense".

  • alreadygone

    I have taken several of the on-line varieties and usually score in the mid 140’s. I also took part in the one that was broadcast on TV last year and scored 148.

  • onacruse


    Top Civil Servants; Professors and Research Scientists.


    Physicians and Surgeons; Lawyers; Engineers (Civil and Mechanical)


    School Teachers; Pharmacists; Accountants; Nurses; Stenographers; Managers.


    Foremen; Clerks; Telephone Operators; Salesmen; Policemen; Electricians.


    Machine Operators; Shopkeepers; Butchers; Welders; Sheet Metal Workers.


    Warehousemen; Carpenters; Cooks and Bakers; Small Farmers; Truck and Van Drivers.


    Laborers; Gardeners; Upholsterers; Farmhands; Miners; Factory Packers and Sorters.


    President of the United States of America
  • Dune

    I tested 155 when i was 12. I begged my LG to put me into Mensa but she stopped talking about it after a while. I think i'll ask her why, i'm guessing there was some kind of interference...

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