Any pet related question you'd like to Ask or Answer?

by JH 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • damselfly
    Why does my cat jump on my bed when I'm playing with myself.....

    'Cause he wants you too play with a kitty instead

  • damselfly

    Why does my kitty insist with bringing me beer bottle caps when I'm sleeping? I can't play fetch right now because I'm comatose!!! Go away!!

    I'm tired of waking up with a bottle cap imprint on my chest or butt.


  • lazyslob

    "I'm tired of waking up with a bottle cap imprint on my chest or butt." To answer that question we must see pictures of the "imprint" with surroundings.

  • talesin


    Why does my cat take a poop in the basement? Last month I found ten piles down there!

    There are two reasons why cats will do this.

    One, they are dissatisfied with the cleanliness of their litter, or don't like the perfumey smell. Somehow, I doubt that you keep a dirty litter, so one option may be to change to the old-fashioned clay litter, and add a dash of baking soda to it. If you are using SCOOPABLE litter, your kitty may find it offensive.

    The other possibility is that kitty is feeling needy, and is punishing your for her/his perceived neglect. Cats are quite vengeful, make no mistakes!

    Why does my other cat tip over any glasses of water that are left out, and drink that, instead of the fresh water in her bowl?

    Some cats LOVE to play with water. Mine does. They are fascinated by it They also love attention, and feeling like they are part of the 'circle', so s/he either just loves the fun of tipping over the glasses, or is sharing your drink in a social ritual.


  • damselfly
    "I'm tired of waking up with a bottle cap imprint on my chest or butt." To answer that question we must see pictures of the "imprint" with surroundings.

    That's what imagination is for


  • talesin


    Every morning, Blue wakes me up at sunrise. She comes right up to my face, and 'bumps' noses, it is our greeting. < groan > But what can I do? I know whatcha mean, I try to get her to snuggle *quietly*, but she is just purring to beat the band, and making bread as well. (those little claws are sharp, the little rascal!)


  • Purza

    Why did my cat rip off her conehead collar and pull the stitches out of her recent incision (she was spayed) so that I would have to run to the vet at the last second tonight to have it re-stapled?

    Sigh. . .


  • talesin

    Aww, Purza. {hug} for you and kitty! S/he is doing it for the same reason we can't wait to get rid of the itchy, icky, incision! Only she doesn't understand. :( Poor kitty.

    But lucky to have YOU as a slave!




  • lola28

    Why is my new cat evil? He bites (hard) scratches your face for no reason and is always picking a fight with Queen jojo ( my other cat). Any suggestions?


  • misspeaches

    Why does my puppy like to sleep with her head draped across my neck and everytime I move she whinges at me?

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