by You Know 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • You Know
    You Know
    I simply asked for one thing - the very outside limit, which you won't provide.

    It is interesting that there is a growing political movement whose leader recently stated publicly that he doesn't think the present financial system will last until the end of the year. Can you imagine any hack politician being so bold? So, I told you before that I see no reason to disagree with his assesment of the situation. As you know I watch these things very closely, so I think it is extrodinary that people are actually talking about the end of this system and how they are going to try and save civilization from plunging into a looming new Dark Age. Of course the prophecies don't allow for any political movement to save mankind. In fact, the Scriptures very graphically point out that the present civilization will be plunged into darkness just as if the stars of heaven were to suddenly fall from the sky, and the moon were to go on the wane, and the sun be eclipsed by darkness. A new Dark Age indeed! / You Know

    Click Here >>>> Then click on webcast in lower left corner. Then click on broadcast or transcript of "How to Survive the Onrushing Global Financial Crash."

  • larc


    I will remind you on New Year's day, of another false guess.

  • larc


    Which of the two do you think is the better economic forecasting model?

    y=bx+a, or y=b(sine)x+a,

    where y = economic condition and x = time, b and a are constants.

  • You Know
    You Know
    I will remind you on New Year's day, of another false guess.

    I gave a reason for why I believe the system is going to blow in the near term. Have you actually THOUGHTFULLY considered why LaRouche and Galbraith, and others, are convinced that the Anglo-American system is at the end of the line? More than likely you are like the vast majority of people in the world who have no real understanding of what makes the system "work" in the first place and who consistently make the fatal assumption that things will just keep going as they are going because...well...just because damit. After all, Jesus and all the other prophets foretell that the world will be oblivious to its own oblivion. Be honest with youself. You are just whistling in the dark. You cannot know for sure that the system is not going to crash in the next few months. Your only basis for confidence that your world will continue is the fact that it hasn't ended yet. That's analogous to the captain of the Titanic saying: 'Steady as she goes mate. Full speed ahead!' / You Know

  • joelbear

    You know says:

    You cannot know for sure that the system is not going to crash in the next few months.

    Joelbear says:

    True, we also don't know whether another meteorite like the one that destroyed the dinosaurs will hit in 10 years and bring it all to blooey.

    We don't know the future. Live for today, love others today.

    Create memories of a good life lived.



    Oh yeah. I forgot to ask. How come if Larouche thinks the whole thing is going to melt down in a few months that the name of his frigging website is

    sheesh. there's a sucker born every minute and not the good kind either.

  • You Know
    You Know
    How come if Larouche thinks the whole thing is going to melt down in a few months that the name of his frigging website is

    If you read the article that I linked to you would know the answer to that question. LaRouche has a policy to save civilization from plunging into a new Dark Age. His candidacy for the presidency is his platform to speak about these issues. But anyone that imagines that they are going to save the world doesn't know what they are up against. Obviously they don't realize what Jehovah's word says on that matter, and that is really what determines reality. But, he obviously does have a total grasp of the present sistuation and well as history, and I suppose if it weren't that Jehovah's judgments were coming due that his ideas could revitalize the world, but there is no possibility that humans will get themselves out of this mess. Jesus said that the nations would find themselves in a situation "with no way out." He can see it coming but when it hits he will probably get assasinated or something. Hence, the Psalm not to trust in earthling man for salvation would prove particularly relevant.

    sheesh. there's a sucker born every minute and not the good kind either.

    That's your personal field of expertise apparently, so I see no reason to doubt you. / You Know

  • Vienna

    Quote from You Know:
    Just because the Watchtower hasn't told you who the king of the north is doesn't mean he is not now identifiable by those with insight into these things. But, since the Watchtower hasn't seen fit to tell you, and since Jehovah obviosuly hasn't revealed his secret to you, neither am I going to explain to you the enigma of the king of the north. But when the time comes we'll let you know. LOL / You Know
    This is on record as one of the wackiest things I've ever read--including that loopy laughter typed in at the end. It's coming from someone who has no clue what they are talking about, but they are trying to make a point. My step-mother suffered from various problems and would talk like this--like riddles that only she would get. We all would just nod and smile.

  • larc


    Based on your ideas, the best thing for me to do would be to spend all the money in my retirement account by the end of the year, because after that the money and my mutual funds will be worthless. By the way, are you going to spend all your savings by then, that is, if you have any savings.

  • ChuckD

    Vienna wrote:

    This is on record as one of the wackiest things I've ever read--including that loopy laughter typed in at the end.

    Unfortunately, "LOL" will have to do, since there is not yet an accepted abbreviation for that long maniacal laugh that the mad scientists / super villains do in all the really bad movies. You know the kind of laugh I mean, it usually comes right around the time that their super giant death-ray laser is ready to be fired from their secret hollowed-out-volcano headquarters, and the mad scientist / super villain says somethig like "They said I was crazy, but now we'll see who has the last laugh - Bwahhhaaaa...haahaahaa...bwahahahahaha, hahahha..." ..(and so on, for several minutes).

  • logical


    WE NEED YOU!!!

    MOJOYOUKNOW is at it again, trying to destroy the world, please stop him!

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