by You Know 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • expatbrit

    Does anyone have a good recipe for dindon a'la flambe'?


  • bboyneko

    "All things are continuing exactly the darn same as from creation's beginning" is some thinking attributed to those ridiculers of Christ's presence. You got a problem with that? Because the sign of Christ's invisible presence must be accepted on faith and faith gunna be not a possession of all people, faithless ones are willfully blinded to the evidence that crazy the crazy system gunna be nearing its hour of judgment. You got that right, crazy man. In this crazy the 2nd week of August 2001, the darn evidence steadily mounts that darn apostate ridiculers of Jehovah's word are Helluva badly mistaken and about to be spanked with a Helluva large paddle. Straighten up or you get a faceful o' fist! As that darn scene of that darn world grows steadily Helluva ominous, even that darn sons of this crazy system of things recognize that crazy the darn world is gunna be rapidly reaching an historic turning point. Foo!

    Almost exactly 10 years ago the darn mighty Soviet Union suddenly went out of business. Dont stay up late, eat all your greens. Remember I love you. I'll see you soon. Leading up to that darn momentous event Helluva Helluva observers had any inkling that darn such a thang would occur. If you don't get your finger out of my face, I'm gonna turn it into chopped liver! Yet, Soviet Communism wud unceremoniously brushed into that darn dustbin of history. the darn amazing thang gunna be that darn such a totalitarian tyrant went off so quietly into that darn night. Foo! Now, just 10 years after capitalism's supposed victory over communism, that darn entire Anglo-American system gunna be faced with its own collapse and humiliation. Not them, fool! True, Helluva Helluva have the capacity to even imagine that crazy that darn mighty U.S. could ever be brought to her knees, but that crazy 's exactly some way the crazy majority of so-called experts felt about the darn Soviet empire all some way up until the USSR went belly up. No, fool! As an example, the darn CIA came under criticism at the darn time for failing to forsee that darn demise of that darn "evil empire." Obviously, only a handful of people ever has some vision to see beyond that darn present continuum.

    that darn difference between the collapse of communism and that darn collapse of capitalism should be obvious. Get us all killed. In the darn case of the demise of the crazy USSR, at some time Western powers evidently guaranteed the Soviets that crazy they would assist them into the darn capitalist system and that crazy there would be mutual cooperation between some two super powers. Kill those suckas! However, in the case of that darn impending crash of that darn capitalist system such a non-violent transition is gunna be unlikely for numerous reasons, which are beyond the scope of this darn post. You couldn't take on a bunch of girlscouts singlehandedly!

    At any rate, the darn fatal assumption of apostates is gunna be that crazy Jehovah's word and gonna cannot be accomplished in connection with the darn Watchtower Society if enough reproach gunna be heaped upon us by our accusers for our failed expectations and mis-interpretations of prophecies. Crazy foo. Such spiritual morons are unable to comprehend that crazy Jehovah's purpose allows for his people to go astray. Helluva far. His word is by no means nullified and his day "keeps panting on to the crazy end." As Isaiah writes: "Truly BA Baracus are a The Almighty T keeping yourself concealed, the darn The Almighty T of Israel, a Savior. Who let this crazy foo in here? They gonna certainly be ashamed and even be humiliated, all of them."

    So it is that crazy Jehovah has kept himself concealed, along with crucial truths contained in the crazy Bible that darn are apparently not "food at the proper time"---yet. You hurt that kid, and you're gonna buy more trouble than you bargained for! the crazy revelation of Jehovah's judgments upon his people and the darn world gonna self-evidently come about when once the foretold judgment begins. You mind your own business, fool! that crazy 's the way it works.

    Let the ridiculer please take note that crazy Jehovah's judgments have in that darn past directly come upon three previous empires of Bible prophecy; namely, Egypt, Assyria, and Babylon; and less directly upon Persia, Greece, and Rome. That's right, I hate coincidence! the crazy Anglo-American dyad is gunna be yet to come under Jehovah's judgment. Crazy Fool! But the crazy unmistakable handwriting on some wall is beginning to appear. Crazy Fool! For those fluent in that darn dialect of prophecy it spells D-O-O-M for the darn Anglo-American system of things. No, fool!

    In spite of the crazy advance outline of knowledge that crazy the crazy apostate has kindly been given regarding The Almighty T's judgments to come, even in the face of that darn facts now steadily emerging that darn the darn Anglo system is rapidly headed toward a catastrophic crash, the stupefied apostate no doubt gonna imagine that crazy these developments are purely coincidental and that crazy they have no relevance to Bible prophecy at all. I'm gonna hit you so hard I'm gonna knock you into next week! that crazy gonna merely serve to make some triumph of Jehovah's kingdom all that darn Helluva glorious. / You Foo Know

    Click here for various commentaries on some true state of affairs>>>>

  • You Know
    You Know


    Isnt the King of the North China?

    Who told you that? Are you just guessing? Actually the chances of anyone outside of Jehovah's intimate group knowing such things is nil. According to Daniel's own words it says that "no wicked ones at all will understand." That is self-evidently true.

    Why are YOU so special You Know?

    You wouldn't like it if I told you.

    You are a schizophrenic, posting as Yadirf when you have little to say on the prophetic front.

    You are delusional. Friday and I are friends. We email each other occasionally, but we are two different people. I think he will agree with me on that.

    You lack ALL the love and compassion of Christ.

    Why? Because I won't give the poor apostate a break? Why should I? Actually, it is in your best interest that I don't. If you were really wanting to know Jehovah you would appreciate my uncompromising stand against the evil of apostasy.

    Tell me, why should I listen to you?

    I don't really care one way or the other who you listen to. That's your personal choice. I just give people who may be on the fringe a reason to believe. It is really up to you though whether you choose to reason on these things.

    Prove to me, by your fruits that you are indeed speaking the Truth from JAH and then I will believe you.

    That is nonsense. This is not a popularity context. You have a Bible and presumably a brain. God expects each of us to use what he has given.

    But up to now, you have not shown me anything to prove to me you are speaking the truth.

    The men that murdered Jesus said pretty much the same thing. They demanded that Jesus show them something special then they would believe him. Obviously they were just evil men whom Jehovah was pleased to let remain in their blinded condititon. They had the Scriptures but refused to accept them. That is the situation you are in. But, instead of wallowing in your own blindness and self-pity and demanding that I remedy your deplorable spiritual condition, why don't you click on the link I provided and carefully read what some educated economists are saying about what is coming down? By the way, Kenneth Galbraith is one of the most respected and influential economists alive. Please why don't you tell me why you don't believe what they are saying. / You Know

  • logical

    Must be all those sleeping pills to get him on the planes messing with his braincells.

  • AGuest
    For those fluent in the dialect of prophecy it spells D-O-O-M for the Anglo-American system of things.

    The word of my Lord to YOU, You Know, by means of the spirit of my Father that is in me through Christ:

    For those who consider THEMSELVES 'fluent' in the language of PROPHECY... hear THIS... and get the 'sense' of it:

    "WOE to those who are CRAVING the day of JAH!
    What, then, will the day of JAH mean... to YOU
    people? It will be DARKNESS... and NO LIGHT...
    just as when a man flees because of the lion...
    and the BEAR actually meets him; and he
    went into the house and supported his hand against
    the wall... and the serpent bit HIM."

    Amos 5:18

    What does this mean, O man who considers himself 'fluent' in the language of prophecy? It MEANS... that although you all THINK you are escaping the 'lion'... the 'bear' awaits you. And although you THINK your interior rooms will hide you, the serpent is there also! There is NO escape for you... you who 'crave' the day of JAH.

    Your 'festivals' (meetings) and 'solemn assemblies' (convention) will not save you... and in your 'whole burnt offerings' (field service), my Father finds NO delight. Indeed, your 'communion sacrifices of fatlings' (Memorial) bring Him NO joy. Your 'songs' (prayers) are like clashing cymbals and He has closed his ears to the 'melodious sound of your stringed instruments' (the 'preaching' of the 'good news' of the WTBTS 'kingdom')... are a screech to His ears.

    For over and above ALL of this, He has heard, instead, the 'songs' of the blood of His sheep, from Abel to now, who have been SLAUGHTERED... at the hands of their own brothers, those who 'crave' the day of JAH.

    That day is coming, You Know... but what will it mean for YOU... and your people? Too bad, too bad. There is no 'escape' for all those who have and continue to 'shut up the kingdom of the heavens before men'. Such ones are blind guides... and their destiny... theirs and those who 'go with' them... is the pit.

    Hear, O man... and get the SENSE of it.

    A slave of Christ,

    SJ, who knows that there IS no 'fluency in the language of prophecy'... for interpretations... BELONG TO GOD.

  • Shaneliza

    You Know,
    Shut up. You're an idiot.

  • logical

    You Know,

    I believe this system is not going to last forever, and its collapse is imminent, its too obvious to those with half a braincell (and thats 100 more braincells than you have - if Yadirf is not you, then give him his braincells back as he has more than you)

    Actually, the King of the North and King of the South are not political "kings" but religious "kings", so I have been told, and this came from the same source many other truths came from. I was not told directly by the source. And I know the messenger is totally trustworthy.

    If no wicked ones will understand, then that explains your miserable postings on this forum. You cannot understand the simplest of things, that because I REFUSE to commit idolatory and worship the WTS BEAST then I am doomed.

    Stop trying to slap the mark on me YK, stop trying to kill me because I REFUSE TO BEAR THE MARK OF THE BEAST.

    YK, we are under 2 commandments, 1- To love JAH Our God with all our heart, soul and mind, and 2- To LOVE OUR NEIGHBOURS AS OURSELVES.

    Jesus made is clear to LOVE OUR ENEMIES AND KEEP ON PRAYING FOR THEM. Not to wish them dead at each and every opportunity.

    Now, from observing your kind, I have noticed that you continually refuse to show the love to your enemies. Maliciously condemning them to destruction, showing NO mercy whatsoever, not willing to lift a finger to help.

    However, Shelby and Aaron (Kes152) have shown me, and everyone for that matter nothing but love, but reproving people when necessary, but NEVER in absolute hatred like you do. They come on at all times to help people.

    Now, who is more like Christ? You or Shelby & Aaron?

    As for the scriptures, (one of Aaron's favourites) is John 5:39-40. Give it a read. Go on, I DARE you.

  • bboyneko
    You Know,
    Shut up. You're an idiot.

    Daaaaaaamn! You said it.

    And AGuest, your post was very good, it's true, you shouldn't 'crave' the execution of your fellow man.

    Youknow and other preachers of hellfire (repent! or god will squash you, and tear you limb from limb, and reduce your house into rubble, and ruin your credit rating!) Do not preach like Jesus did.

    Jesus was never like that, he was like that only to the religious leaders of his day, who were burdening the sheep with many rules. Jesus hung out with prostitutes, tax collectors (scum of the earth back then) and criminals. Did he say 'Repent oh horrid whore! For your day looms near and my father who is merciful yet stragely blood thirsty will crush you like a 300 pouind defensive tackle etc etc.'

    Nope, he preached love and thats what made him different. Youknow preaches only hate because that is all he feels in his heart.


  • individual

    You Know - Like a typical JW you look for the worst in any scenario and the worst in people. This is due to the training that the society has given you, being constantly fed with words like 'evil system of things' and 'evil apostates'. If you listen to this sort of stuff long enough you start to believe it and think like it yourself, you start to look for the worst in everything and everyone. Christ Jesus looked for the good in people but I dont think you would know where to start on that. The lack of love displayed is very evident in the congregations of JWs due to their diet of pessimism, being shown the very worst. I only realised this when I left and refound my humanity.

    Your view on things is very warped but I am hoping that you will continue to post and that you will continue to talk to others in your congregation and at assemblies about these things... this may seem a strange thing to say but you know when a religion is starting to fold, schisms start to develop within it. These fractures appear due to the frustrations of some who either seek power or are frustrated at the failures of the people at the top of the organisation they are in, failures in prophecy for example. My feeling is that you are frustrated at the inadequacies of the WTS so that you are not only leaping ahead of them but also going off at a tangent from them. I hope that more JWs do this because a house divided usually falls.

    Considering the society is supposed to be a house of unity, a chariot going in one direction, it is encouraging for me to see that it is not the case.... keep up the good work!

  • You Know
    You Know
    Actually, the King of the North and King of the South are not political "kings" but religious "kings", so I have been told, and this came from the same source many other truths came from. I was not told directly by the source. And I know the messenger is totally trustworthy.

    Yeah, sure, and Elvis lives and aliens rule the outer galatic regions.
    Why don't you explain how two rival religious kings sprang from the disolution of the Alexandrian empire? It should be entertaining if not informative.

    Jesus made is clear to LOVE OUR ENEMIES AND KEEP ON PRAYING FOR THEM. Not to wish them dead at each and every opportunity.

    I don't wish anyone dead. I, in fact, work very hard to save those who have been caught alive by the Devil. The demons might consider that an unloving act I suppose, in fact, I am sure that the animous of the apostate goon squad is merely a reflection of the seething demonic hatred that is directed towards all of Jehovah's people. But, if I hated my enemies as the apostae alleges,I wouldn't be willing to take the ridicule and abuse and try to reason with you. I well know that you are just looking for a way to excuse your own conscience by maligning the messenger. If you had any real interest in the truth you would show a little humility in the face of your obvious ignorance. The thing I always keep in mind in the face of the relentless accusations of apostates is that Christ was also hated and reviled by his enemies. He of course forewarned us that the slave would not be treated any better than the master. / You Know

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