Just returned from New Orleans

by Bryan 13 Replies latest jw friends

  • Bryan

    I just returned from a visit to see my mother and then our home in the New Orleans area.

    We first stayed in Dallas with Cruzan Heart and Big Tex. While there we hooked up with Bubbamar and her girlfriend Dee. Thanks so much to all of you for what you have done for them! Especially, BILLYGOAT, who spearheaded the task and did so much for Marla and Dee. We stayed the night with Chris and Nina… thanks guys!

    Then up to see my mother, who had not seen her grandson yet, and grandpa Jack (her husband). We had a nice visit then back to Houston. I was only at the hotel for an hour when I left my family and drove on to New Orleans. They let those in Jefferson Parish back in to get a few things.

    Our apartment had a lot of roof damage, but the plywood was till there. No windows broken, no looting… and NO FLOODING! Our apartment is on the second floor with our individual garage below us. Not even the garage was flooded. The water stopped just at the garage door. Jehober has certainly blessed us! There was a lot of water damage in the apartment. Water had run down half the walls and after a week has left mold throughout. Several wall hangings were covered in mold on their backs and the dining table was the only furniture to get water strait from the roof. It is ruined. We are so lucky! Most all our stuff is fine. We do have a lot of stuff in storage and I couldn’t get to the facility because of power poles down at its entrance. We’ll see.

    We cannot move back into the apartment, so I will go back when they let us in, about 3-4 weeks and pack up our stuff. Still not sure where we’re going to land.

    All in all we are very lucky fortunate.

    Unfortunately, Marla is not so lucky. She has lost her house and all belongings and is looking to relocate somewhere and find a job. Let’s not forget her!

    Thanks everyone!

    Have You Seen My Mother

  • FlyingHighNow

    Wow, Bryan. I am both amazed and very happy for you. I hope your things won't be completely ruined by the mold. Did you see much of the city? What was your impression? I went through Betsy in Morgan City. It was bad, but nothing like what I've seen across the coast on TV.

  • cruzanheart

    I thought of you yesterday when I heard that they'd let people back into Jefferson Parish to take stock of the damage! Yes, it could have been a LOT worse for you, but it's a tragedy anyway.

    I know your mom was pleased to see the baby -- he is a little angel!!! Jennie and Jackson are still talking about him, and Moose celebrated Sebastien's visit by shredding a used diaper when we weren't looking. *sigh*

    We had lunch with Marla and Dee and ohiocowboy on Sunday, which was great. They're still deciding what they want to do but I know they'll be fine whatever decision they make.

    Keep us posted on your progress and whereabouts and absolutely let us know when the book comes out!!!



  • simplesally

    Glad that your things are fine, but most of all YOU AND YOURS are fine...........just now have to recover emotionally and financially.

  • Bryan


    In Jefferson Parish most of the damge is roof and tree. I imagine half of all the old, large, trees there are now down. Many, many roofs damaged. Some stores totally blown out. It was surreal driving in at about midnight. They let me in even though there was a curfew until 6am. I couldn't recognize the streets and there were lights only in small patches. It was pitch black otherwise. Electric lines and poles down everywere. Weaving through the streets was demanded. The police were everywere. I was stopped three times for ID.

    Glad to back in the air-conditioning!

    Take care,


    Have You Seen My Mother

  • Sunnygal41

    Bryan! I am completely amazed and happy that some of your things made it thru the storm..........mold will be a serious problem tho.........hope they allow you back in to save whatever you can. Glad to hear that security is so high......bad enough that all have lost so much without having more STOLEN. What has gratified me and warmed my heart is the outpouring of funds and clothes, etc. from everyone.......we just got an email here at work from an employee asking if we wanted to get a shipment of stuff together! And, I know that we are just one of many many people and places that are doing the same thing. Keep us posted and let us know if we can help at all in the near future!!! Hugs, Terri

  • Dansk

    Hoping all goes well for you, your mum and your family, Bryan. We only see the news pictures here in England and it looks devastating!

    As has already been mentioned, at least it is only your property that has suffered some damage. As long as YOU and YOUR LOVED ONES are ok that's the main thing.

    You're in our hearts and minds.

    Best wishes and strength to you and yours,

    Ian & Claire

  • Sunspot


    I haven't been here at all this morning, and I was watching FOX news about those going back to survey their homes and belongings. I of course thought of you again. (Been searching to see if you have posted recently or not, and decided to ASK when I saw this thread!)

    I am so glad that most of your things weren't badly damaged, or looted by those thugs.

    Thanks so much for keeping us posted on what's going on in your life. We do care.....



  • bebu

    Thanks for letting us know!!!!

    I've been wondering how things went for you. I'm so happy to know that your home has been greatly spared. What a relief!!! Thank God!!


  • Bubbamar

    Hey Bryan

    So glad you made it in and out okay. Did you have renters insurance to help with your losses?


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