by Apostanator 36 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    In think in some cases it isn't fear (although that can be the case) as much as a deep dependancy on these men. Very often the wives really believe they love these men or that they can't live without him. They are so dependant that they choose the husband over the child. Sometimes they don't believe it even when the husband admits it!!!

    My mother was the type to say that a woman can't live without a man so she wound up living with the dregs (3 men who all sexually abused children). She really believed she could not survive on her own. So she always put the men before the children.

    Now that she is alone she still believes she can't survive alone so her new "love" is the WTS.

    And the last time I talked to her about husbands and marriage she still said I needed a "good" man to take care of me!!!!

    Last time I checked I do much better on my own - without either a man or the WTS

  • LongHairGal

    Lady Lee:

    I am sorry your mother is so dependent on a man she can't breathe on her own! There are so many women like her around but I cannot relate to any of them having been independent for so long. And I certainly cannot respect them because they allow terrible things to happen to helpless children. As for her saying that you need a good man to take care of you - wouldn't that be nice?

    Even though we hate being lonely we would never tolerate what women like her tolerate just so we can have a man.

  • outnfree

    Just wanted to applaud Mrs. Apostonator's chutzpah!

  • Mary

    Way ta go!! These pigs need to be exposed.........it's scary to think that peophiles are roaming the congregations and neighbourhoods and people have no idea of what they've done. I'll bet this idiot will have a mouthful of excuses to his date, like "....well, it was my daughters' fault, they enticed me...." or some such crap.

  • Carol

    STANDING OVATION to Mrs. Apostonator.........and congratulations toe Apostonator for having the good sense to marry such a marvelous person!

  • Apostanator

    Hey everyone this is "Mrs. Apostanator" as I've now been named on this thread.

    Thanks for all the replies and feedback from this topic. Honestly I can't say I feel better for what I did in confronting this PERP from my husband's past, but simply that it was something I had to do at that moment in time when the opportunity presented itself. My heart will forever go out to all those who were violated when they should have been protected. That PERP will never know how many lives he ruined or destroyed in some cases while he "gratified" himself. The brief humiliation and exposure that I imposed on him that night would never be enough for what he deserves, but at least this time nobody was quiet and he was forced at that moment to face the reality of the damage his GROSS DEVIANT behaviour caused.

    Mrs. Apostanator

  • crinklestein

    HAHA! Great story! Follow his ass everywhere he goes and publicly proclaim his pedophilia.

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