Rescue inequality?

by Simon 63 Replies latest social current

  • crazyblondeb

    I'm not real happy about how the rescue relief has gone. And I don't even try and defend the gov't or FEMA. I don't know why it's taken so long to sort out this mess. Yes, we've all heard about the rapes and killing, probably isolated incidents. What we haven't heard is the stories of people being rescued by everyday heros--like you and me. This storm was over-whelming. Considering the amount of total destruction--how would England, or even Australia handled it? I can't see anyone doing much better. I do agree the gov't isn't handling it very well. But what I'm talking about is the average citizens. Individuals everywhere are opening up their homes, donating whatever they can. Corporations are making large donations. Water, food, and staples are being donated by corporations. Could this relief effort been better managed, yes. But that's hindsight. This country goes to the aid of other countries in need.

    It's not fair to bash all Americans for the acts of those above us. We are no different from you or your neighbors. I'm proud to be an American! All this stone throwing and name calling is so juvenile. I don't think certain others here would like it if people began bashing their country. It's "do has I say, not as I do." That's just not right.

  • under74

    cb- I don't think anyone was bashing America. Our country has faults and it doesn't mean you're un-American or bashing America when pointing this out.

    PS- as an American I have the right to name call and throw as many stones as I want at our messed up government--am I less of an American for not being blind to it's faults?

  • pr_capone

    Under.... first thing, I want you to know that I am not attacking you. I simply wanted to ask if you voted this past prez election?

    If so, then yes... you have every right to gripe about our Govt. Read a bit further on some suggestions on how you can get what you have to say heard though.

    If not, then no.

    Also... I have been reading your posts all day. I know that you are angry and upset about everything that has been happening. I am sure that NOLA has brought everything to a head for you.

    But really, is posting on EVERY SINGLE NOLA related, or how do you feel about America, thread saying the same things over and over again doing anyone any good?

    I have told Trauma Hound this many many times. If you want to effect change in the political climate of the U.S... then run for public office. You will be able to see first hand how easy it is to get things done.

    If that is not a possibility for you, then write letters to your congresman/woman, your state governour, the mayor... anyone in a position to relay your message. We here at JWD cannot do so for you. As a matter of fact, I am almost 100% positive that noone with the govts. ear ever has graced this forum.

    Instead of sitting behind your desk and clicking away for us to read what you feel... make good use of that time and do something more constructive than repeating yourself on a forum of people that the majority of the people whom belong to it arent even U.S Citizens.

    If this is still not good enough for you, then may I interest you in some real estate north of our border?

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • under74

    Thanks pr- Yes, in fact I vote every voting day...not just for the Presidential election. I'm also a regular in writing letters to my reps....although, I know I'm not heard. Understand this--I haven't ever seen anything like this in the US before and I'm offended to the core. I haven't been on JWD all day so I wouldn't assume that because you saw some posts last night and a post tonight about what's happened that this is my only outlet nor the only thing I do during the day.BUT when I log on to JWD because of what's happened in the past week and see posts having something to do with it--I'll post if I have a response. If you're offended because I'm not acting like a gung ho patriot at this moment the question I would ask you is--WHY SHOULD I??

  • pr_capone

    "If you're offended because I'm not acting like a gung ho patriot at this moment the question I would ask you is--WHY SHOULD I??"

    I dont recall stating that I was offended nor did I ask you to be patriotic.

    I can understand being upset... I really can. But what I mean by your posting is as follows.

    And that is not including the posts in the thread simon deleted or others I just didnt bother to look up.

    I'm not trying to single you out specifically. You just happen to be the poster that caught my eye the most.

    And not to say that they are or are not good points. Its merely a re-hashing of things that have been stated over and over and over again.

    I am actually VERY glad that you have been writing. I wish that they would take the time to respond to you, I would be very interested in reading what they have to say.

    Have you actually considered ever running for public office? Ya know, fix things from the inside?

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • pr_capone

    My damn edit button isnt working properly so I am adding this to my above post.

    I will have to say though, you would prolly have sent me over the edge had you took up the current JWD fad of spelling America - Amerikkka.

    That is nothing but nonsence and adding fuel to a fire that should have burnt out long ago. :D

    Kansas District Overbeer

  • under74

    one more thing pr- you may not be attacking me but you are being condescending....I'm really not sure what the difference is between the two but I know condescending comments when I see them. I don't think anyone in the US even needs to do the things I do (vote, contact those in charge, pay taxes) to say voice their opinions.If you're a citizen you have the right to critisize the government as much as you want.

  • Simon

    I think everyone has the right to criticise any country they want.

    If Americans don't like criticism then they should hold all comments on other countries as well.

  • under74
    I'm not trying to single you out specifically.

    That's what you did. So what if it's giving points others have said or what I've already said.

    Sure I'd run for public office but I refuse to join the 2 parties contolling everything so I wouldn't get far.

  • pr_capone

    :rolls eyes:

    Ok... first thing is first.

    On your second post...

    "WHAT? I never did that....I think you got me mixed up with other posters you read."

    READ MY COMMENTS. I said that I am GLAD that you have NOT taken up the current fad. That means that you HAVE NOT done that and I am very glad for it.

    Ok, in reply to your first post. Lets break it down.

    "one more thing pr- you may not be attacking me but you are being condescending....I'm really not sure what the difference is between the two but I know condescending comments when I see them."

    First, I am not being condescending in any way shape or form. When I say that I am glad that you are actually trying to take an active role in this situation by writing the correct reps, I mean it.

    MANY people bitch and moan but do NOTHING about it. You are obviously not one of those people.

    Second, if you dont know what the difference between attacking and condescending... you prolly shouldnt be using that word at all. Or if you must, at least look it up in a dictionary before doing so. BTW... THAT is condescending.

    "I don't think anyone in the US even needs to do the things I do (vote, contact those in charge, pay taxes) to say voice their opinions.If you're a citizen you have the right to critisize the government as much as you want."

    Why should those who dont vote, dont bother to contact those in positions of authority, and dont pay taxes (using your examples), have the right to critisize? Just because its their God given right to flap their gums about whatever they want to??? Just because they can??? What have they contributed in any way shape or form to the betterment and growth of our country aside from sittin on the sideline and bitching about everything going on?

    And again... before you go off on me, I am not talking about you. I am using your examples to make a point.

    Kansas District Overbeer

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