Rescue inequality?

by Simon 63 Replies latest social current

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    It's BS when FEMA and politicians say they couldn't get in or didn't have the resources

    Yeah, how much tax-payers money do the beaurocrats at FEMA get?

    Yes, it's total BS! My daughter told me yesterday (she works for the Woodlands Development Co. here) that several large corporations here have notified FEMA that they have bottled water and food, etc. (large amounts of it) to donate to the refugees over in N'yawlins, but FEMA turned them DOWN and demanded cash instead! So the ones with water went ahead and shipped it in there themselves. I expect the others will do likewise.


  • oldflame

    And to top it all off ? G.W.Bush gives a shoot to kill order even foor looting. This president is one king of all ASSHOLES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now will people learn what they put in office ? It's time to impeach !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • under74
    but FEMA turned them DOWN and demanded cash instead! So the ones with water went ahead and shipped it in there themselves.

    See, I'm just soooo sick of it. The people need water but a donation of it isn't good enough for them. I think they're trying to line their pockets.

    Now will people learn what they put in office ?

    My sister tat voted for Bush twice was talking about impeachment last night. Hopefully other people realize as well.

  • Simon
    From what I understand, yes, this is for real. Yesterday, a young couple with their young (probably now motherless) neice, was brought to Dallas. The lady had said they had to surround their children, especially the young girls, in order to protect them. They could never leave them alone, nor could they both sleep at the same time. They slept in shifts in order for someone to be awake to protect the children.

    What a sad indictment of society. How can that be descibed as "civilisation"?

    several large corporations here have notified FEMA that they have bottled water and food, etc. (large amounts of it) to donate to the refugees over in N'yawlins, but FEMA turned them DOWN and demanded cash instead!

    People in charge can't siphon money off if it's in redistributable aid.

    It's time to impeach

    That seems to be reserved for the most hienous crime of (shock) having s.e.x. (gasp!). Invading another country on false pretenses, sending off your citizens to die, leaking the names of intelligence operatives, being more interested in vacations than work ... that is ok.

  • Sara Annie
    Sara Annie
    America is probably a great place to be well-off ... but it sucks to be average or below.

    A ridiculous blanket assertion based on the narrow 3,000 mile away view of the events surrounding an unprecedented crisis.

    Statements like the above detract from the more lucid points one is trying to make.

  • under74
    A ridiculous blanket assertion based on the narrow 3,000 mile away view of the events surrounding an unprecedented crisis.

    Not for someone from the US that grew up poor, it's actually right on target.

  • Billygoat
    From what I understand, yes, this is for real. Yesterday, a young couple with their young (probably now motherless) neice, was brought to Dallas. The lady had said they had to surround their children, especially the young girls, in order to protect them. They could never leave them alone, nor could they both sleep at the same time. They slept in shifts in order for someone to be awake to protect the children.

    What a sad indictment of society. How can that be descibed as "civilisation"?

    It's not Simon. It's not. But the people that were committing such horrible acts are just a few hundred in a city of several hundred thousand. Doesn't make it any less horrible, but at least it helps put it in perpective of the city as a whole. We do not excuse their behavior because of the circumstances, in fact, we abhor their behavior that much more. It is a sad indictment to mankind...not just New Orleans or America.

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie
    America is probably a great place to be well-off ... but it sucks to be average or below.

    A ridiculous blanket assertion based on the narrow 3,000 mile away view of the events surrounding an unprecedented crisis.

    Statements like the above detract from the more lucid points one is trying to make.

    SA, from the point of view of one who's been both "average or below," it does suck. This isn't a ridiculous blanket assertion. High 5's, Under74!


  • Simon
    A ridiculous blanket assertion based on the narrow 3,000 mile away view of the events surrounding an unprecedented crisis.

    No, I think it's a valid statement way before this current crisis.

    If you are well off, everything is rosey. If you fall on hard times there is not much of a safety net.

  • upside/down
    America is probably a great place to be well-off ... but it sucks to be average or below.

    Show me a place on Earth that isn't...

    Hey maybe the Saudi's will chip in and send some care packages on their fleet of private Leer Jets.


    Good grief... don't you ever tire of your rhetoric?

    u/d(of the losing respect by the minute)

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