The Time Of The End: Could It Be Upon Us?

by jayhawk1 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • carla

    Maybe you should read Sign of the End Times-When? May give you a new perspective. Available on many ex jw sites. carla

  • jayhawk1

    I'm bringing this back to the last page of the forum, because I would like other thoughts on the subject. You've been very supportive when I needed you most!

  • eyeslice

    I agree with many of the views expressed here - there have been far worse periods in mankind's history.

    Personally, I would not like to have lived at the time of Christ, the dark ages or the middle ages. The civil war in the USA was horrific and the atrocities of the World War II are un-mentionable. None of these events heralded the time of the end.

    Those of us who still believe in God do struggle to come up with an explanation. The best I can do is that I to believe in a world of infinite possibilities, with endless possibilities for both good and evil.


  • coolhandluke

    My man. I've just moved to Missouri. If you are close, I'd love to buy you a beer and discuss this at length.


  • orangefatcat


    Can you visualize these fanatical statements being made by the elders, and the Governing Body scarring the shit out of all the witnesses and the kids in the Kingdom Hall.

    I too remember vividly seeing the pages in the "Paradise Lost to Paradise Regained", book as if it were yesterday and my grandma saying that if you are bad Jehovah will do this to you, but you don't want that do you? You want to be good so you can live in Paradise with all the good people and the animals. And naturely I said yes. I stop and think of how brainwashed we were and the tactic of fear was used to keep us in control.

    I think Jay Hawk ,like the one poster said a 1/3 of world was wiped out by the plague and no one knew that.

    It's as they said its mass media hysteria today that causes people to become fearful. And JWs eat that stuff up faster than any fast food you can gobble up.

    So dear friend try not to be overwhelmed by what is happening in the world today. Live each day as if it was the last, because no one knows what could happen from moment to moment in ones life.


  • Gill

    No! Definitely NOT!

    The end is not Nigh!

    So, it's got to mean armageddon's coming if a disaster strikes in the US! I don't think so!

    Disasters happen every where, all of the time. No Armageddon is coming so chill!

    If petrol gets too expensive, get all your family a bicycle, like we have. We use the car for holidays and the rest of the time cycle. Much cheaper!

    You're only thinking the way you are because of your 'apocalyptic' past.

    By the way, you sound like my mother! That in itself is no good thing.

    I hope you learn to relax and realise that this terrible disaster is a natural disaster and is far worse than it needed to be because of desperate poverty in the US, and dreadful organizational skills!

    Glad they're finally getting their act together! I was beginning to despair of the USA!

    I hope you also realise, that though we have all seen the very worst possible behaviour from a few people in this disaster, human nature is a wonderful, nurturing and caring thing to witness. The whole world was crying for those poor people and desperate to help them and encourage your government to move faster.

  • jayhawk1

    I'm in the process of buying a 1979 Honda motorcycle for $500. That should help with my expensive fuel problem. I love motorcycles anyway. After all I built 2 out of cars and had a third one planned. The bicycle idea isn't bad, but I live 30 miles (70 km give or take) from work. It would take me all day just to get to work. And I am not moving from this spot to live closer to work.

    I don't think I am as worried about what happened in New Orleans as I am worried about the cost of living going up beyond my means. I'm afraid if that happens to us all that we might be headed for The Great Depression II.

    Any thoughts?

  • jayhawk1
    We are going to have disasters of a natural and political kind as long as this planet is here and Jehovah is not bringing Armageddon upon it. Think about it. Even if it were true, would you want to live forever with them? I wouldn't.

    I believe I've said that a time or two.

    Thanks everyone, today was a better day than yesterday.

  • jaffacake

    Jesus warned us not to follow anyone who says 'the end is near now'.

    JWs and SDAs (my old religion) and many other fundamentalists have been ignoring that and other Scriptures for a long time.

    I find it so ironic. Jesus listed all the things that could mislead people into believing they were living in the last days, earthquakes, wars & rumours of wars etc, and predicted many would be lisled by these things. And misled they are.

  • ballistic

    I cannot believe this thread can go on for 2 pages without a mention of global warming. Here in England, we don't get freezing winters for 3 or 4 months of the year anymore and here in the south we are getting cracking thunderous tropical storms. But we are blaming global warming. Has no one linked Katrina with this?

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