HAS A CUCKOO LAID AN EGG IN YOUR BRAIN? (Ideas: whose are they?)

by Terry 63 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • trevor


    I appreciate you sharing so much of yourself with us over a number of threads and it is like watching a jig-saw come together.

    You seem to be constructing a paradigm of the world that suits you. However perfectly you do this, it will still be uniquely your reality and your comments show that you are aware of this.

    Even if it becomes the most perfected view of the world that has ever been, it will still not suit the emotional disposition others. Many people will not have the intelligence to grasp it’s beauty and worth. Our individual view of the world is as it needs to be for us to find life meaningful. Due to this - beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Some people will always prefer beer and chips to Champagne and caviar.

    I may be wrong, but you seem to have difficulty forgiving yourself for accepting the wrong eggs, causing you to make painful decisions and standing up for what you mistakenly perceived was the truth. You need to praise yourself for having the courage to throw out the cuckoo eggs when you discovered they were valueless. That is all anyone can do.

    Until we have accepted our mistakes and forgiven ourselves we have not really got rid of all the eggs. We cannot make up for what has happened we can only affect the present. If we are still angry at ourselves because we think we should have been smart enough to avoid our mistakes then we are still holding on to a false idea about ourselves and that is in itself another cuckoo egg.


  • zen nudist
    zen nudist

    there is a test called Meyer-Briggs/Kersey type testing.... it divides people into 16 different groupings... while still a JW I took this test and came out an

    ENTJ or Extrovert iNtuitive Thinker Judger my opposite would be Introvert Sensor Feeler Perceiver or ISFP. mixing and matching brings the other 14 types....

    after ten years of not being a JW and changing a lot of things about how and why I do things, I still tested exactly the same.

    which reinforces a study I recall regarding twins raised apart... the finding was that 50% of their personality was genetics [since they could not pin it on anything else] and 5% was direct influence by parents and 45% was life experience and especially ones peer group influences.

    on a side note, I tried taking the test as if I were Jesus from the bible as best as I could imagine his answers to the questions and it came out to a type [I dont recall exactly which] that was very well suited to such things as a nurse, a doctor, a clergy man, etc.... as I was a JW at the time, my first thought was to realize that JWs, by trying to force all 16 types into just one type [having Jesus as our exemplar] was a sure fire way to cause 15 different types massive internal stress.

  • Terry

    there is a test called Meyer-Briggs/Kersey type testing.... it divides people into 16 different groupings... while still a JW I took this test and came out an

    ENTJ or Extrovert iNtuitive Thinker Judger my opposite would be Introvert Sensor Feeler Perceiver or ISFP. mixing and matching brings the other 14 types....

    The test is entirely ad-hoc, has never been validated against another instrument, and has no predictive value whatsoever. It has a great pseudo-intellectual appeal.

  • BrendaCloutier
    Were it the English it would be Starling silver!

    R R R R! Actually, the analogy is not that the Starling steals the nest, but the Cuckoo kicks out the eggs in other birds nests and lays it's own then departs, leaving the abandoned cuckoo egg to be hatched and raised by the adopted mom of a different bird-species.

  • talesin
    Tal, are you by any chance a Libra?

    Not even close, Bren!

  • BrendaCloutier

    Ok. Tal is not a libra. Not even close, so I can rule out Scorpio and Virgo.... 9 guesses to go... Not that it matters

  • MidwichCuckoo
    (hmm, wondering what the Midwich Cuckoo will have to say about this!!!

    Talesin - I keep trying to read through this thread, and just keep seeing my name leap off the screen!

    Ok -- years ago I watched a documentary on the 'Titanic' (made prior to Her being recovered). All the 'experts' agreed on what had happened, that She'd sunk in one piece. The World accepted this, I think, born from a common idea. If we visualise a ship sinking, we think of it in one piece. From watching past films and reading old literature, this idea was accepted as FACT.

    On this documentary was an survivor who had witnessed it from a lifeboat (an elderly American lady, who was probably a teenager at the time). She described in detail (as she had done since 1912 ) what we now know to be accepted - She saw Titanic break. The 'experts' dismissed her then and were still doing so, their own 'idea' had become FACT.

    Titanic was found (this witness having since died), and the rest is History.

  • Terry
    Titanic was found (this witness having since died), and the rest is History.

    Ummm, huh?


  • zen nudist
    zen nudist
    The test is entirely ad-hoc, has never been validated against another instrument, and has no predictive value whatsoever. It has a great pseudo-intellectual appeal.

    and I should take your word for this? how about something to back that up lest you sound like what you seem to hate?

  • Terry
    and I should take your word for this? how about something to back that up lest you sound like what you seem to hate?

    Here is how it works: when you make a claim that something IS....then you provide the proof to back it up. Those who say they can bend spoons with their mind have to prove it. Those who claim they were kidnapped by aliens have to prove it. Those who claim a certain test has any validity in order to refute a point made in debate have to prove it.

    I'm laying down my cards on your test and saying "Call". You don't get to see my cards for free.

    Capish? (hint: http://skepdic.com/myersb.html )


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