What kind of animal would you like to be and why??

by juni 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • sonnyboy

    I'd be a Macaw.

    ? Long life

    ? Live in rain forest

    ? Palatable diet - no raw meat or nasty bugs

    ? They can fly (question marks were supposed to be bullets)

  • juni

    Heh sonnyboy!

    You'll have to join the flock!! As FlyingHigh said in her post, "we could tour the world".

  • sonnyboy

    I could protect you little song birds from the eagles.

  • Legolas

    I don't know if I would like to be just an animal....but I would like to be an Anamagus, and I think I would be a Wolf.

  • juni

    We wouldn't need any protection sonnyboy as our flock includes an eagle (LittleToe). We'd be a "congregation" of all kinds of birds who don't have any pecking order like at the Hall. We'd be flying high - us little songbirds though may need to cling on to you bigger guy's backs at times though for a rest. O.K.?

    Hi Legolas! Wolf - cool. Beautiful animal. Is the anamagus related to the fossa? Have to Google unless you want to explain. Thanks.

  • Legolas

    Anamagus is from Harry Potter books. It is when someone can turn into an animal.

  • juni

    Thanks Legolas. I love to read and I tried the Potter books, I just couldn't get into it. My husband and daughter love the series and movies. Thanks for your explanation!! I did though enjoy the first movie. I should give it another go, heh?

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    OK, OK, in response to the public uproar, may I present - a fossa!

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    Found only on Madagascar - the other isolated evolutionary kettle on our planet.

    Looks like a cat crossed with a mongoose (which, of course, is not a bird).

    Can grow to the size of a small terrier and climbs trees up and down with the agility of a squirrel.

    A Carnivore, at the top ofthe food chain on its island home.

    The uber-ferret! The eyes are great!

  • upside/down

    A tapeworm...or a guinea worm...

    u/d(of the parasite class)

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