What kind of animal would you like to be and why??

by juni 52 Replies latest jw friends

  • juni

    I hope to get atleast 500 posts on this subject. Thank you everyone! I would like to be a songbird (don't laugh) because I could fly and be free. Juni

  • FlyingHighNow

    I was going to say a bird, too. I'd love to light on the breeze and float heavenwards. I'd like to look down over the earth. I'd like to travel to many places and enjoy their beauty. I would hope that ducks unlimited would be no where near, or anyone else with a gun.

    When I was a kid, my teacher asked the same question. I said I wanted to be an American buffalo or bison. I loved the way they ran free on the prairies and they would roll in the dust and dirt. I guess it was the Indian blood coursing through my veins, calling out to me in it's own strange way. I felt a connection with the majestic buffalo.

  • JH

    A lion, because I am a lion inside of me. <---------------don't look at the exterior looks.

  • GoingGoingGone

    I would want to be a cat.... I could lay around on the bed all day.... stretch in the sun.... no bills to pay.... aaaahhhhhh!


  • doofdaddy

    Loved your comments Flying High Now

    Sounds corny I know but I always have had experiences with dolphins. They chose me, so I guess I better choose them.

    Recently getting attention from sea eagles too.

  • FlyingHighNow
    no bills to pay....

    The very best part of being an animal.

  • juni

    Beautifully put, Flying high now!! Thanks for your pm. I appreciate it. From your fellow avian - Juni :)

    Doofdaddy, hi! What experience do you have w/dolphins? Cool animal. Did you ever swim w/them at the theme parks? Thanks for your post. Juni

    GGG, hi! Sounds good to me - laying around all day w/no cares and coming if and when I wanted! Juni

    JH, hi! You look scary, but I'm sure you're a lamb. From your pic I'd say you have a good start being a lion. Juni

    Thanks GGG and JH for your posts.

  • doofdaddy

    Hi Juni

    I have posted before on a few experiences so won't retell( unless you want to pm me).

    But dolphins come over to me when I swim in the ocean. Been happening all my life.

  • Preston

    I'd be a giant T-REX and start scaring the crap outta people....

    a crafty Trilobite might also do...

    - Preston

  • FlyingHighNow
    But dolphins come over to me when I swim in the ocean. Been happening all my life.

    Maybe they know you from a past life. Maybe they think you are a god or King Neptune.

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