Serena returns money won in gambling

by DevonMcBride 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • DevonMcBride

    Does the Watchtower allow gambling if the winnings are returned?

    Serena returns money won in gambling

    New York: Tennis star and TV actress Serena Williams returned her winnings in gambling recently as she is a Jehovah's Witness and it is against her faith to gamble.

    According to the New York Post, Williams was gambling at the casino-themed Rogers Cup gala at the Toronto Hilton.

    Williams stayed true to her faith. As she was leaving she gave back all the chips she had won worth around $400 to a stranger at a table.

  • Mary
    Does the Watchtower allow gambling if the winnings are returned?

    Apparently, if you're a rich and famous Dub.

  • sonnyboy

    That's like buying a pack of cigarettes but not smoking them; you're still supporting the industry.

    What a hypocrite.

  • luna2

    Nice. Yeah, I'd always heard that you should even be aware that by walking into a casino just to go to a restaurant you might be "stumbling" somebody. God forbid people should either ask you up front why you are there or, better yet, mind their own business.

    I thought it was the act of gambling that was the bad idea in the first place too....but I'm not a famous Witnoid sports figure who can, apparently, make her own rules. I'm sure lots of dubs will think this is a fine witness.

  • Satanus

    Giving it to someone else is hardly returning it. She should have given it back to the casino. That money is a bit like judas' money, guilt money. But, she just had to get rid of it to assuage her conscience.


  • POs Son
    POs Son

    I often return all of my winnings when gambling. Sadly, its usually back into the slot machine.

  • sonnyboy
    I often return all of my winnings when gambling. Sadly, its usually back into the slot machine.

    That's why I rarely go to the slots. I won $11 the last time I went and cashed out. Everyone else at the cashier was getting hundreds of dollars, and here I come with my little 11 dollar ticket. At least I had gas money for the ride home.

  • donkey

    What would have happened if she had lost?

    Would the Hilton have had to give the money back because it is against her religion to gamble?

    What a a lying bitch!!! God I can't stand the Williams sisters and every time they play I want the other player to win. They are so childish and such hypocritical schmucks...

  • littlerockguy

    I thought it was a disfellowshipping offense even working in such an establishment, let alone actually going in and gambling.

  • prophecor

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