Do JWs give you the creeps?

by sonnyboy 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • kls

    Creeps ? more then any creepy movie i have ever seen and the willies also.

  • trevor

    Yes - I too find the company of Jehovah’s Witnesses undesirable. They used to be the only people I felt I could relax with. Now I avoid them totally.

    Their decision to shun me, though hard at the time, was the best thing that ever happened to me. It enabled me to start again with all the garbage removed from my life and move on. To make new friends that were not narrow minded and vindictive. I feel guilt for all the people I told I had the truth when it was all lies. I was moved to write a book in an attempt to clear my conscience and warn others about the danger of the Watchtower Society.

  • sonnyboy


    please i dont not want ot talk to any apostates or disfellowshipped people though i do hope one day they will return. Only faithful witness in good standing id talk to.
    All those feelings you are experiencing are normal for ones who LEFT Jehovah. The Bible says " It is a FEARFUL thing to fall into the hands of Jehovah."

    Please stop being a hypocrite and kindly shut yer yap. You're so brainwashed that you think guilt, fear, and freedom are intertwined.

    I feel this way for the same reasons as others have are an unnatural bunch of weirdos who do everything in your power to mold unsuspecting people into the WTBTS's image. If you even ARE an active JW (which I somehow doubt), you're the walking dead. You're not living. You have no concern for this world or anyone in it. You live in a fantasy world which is so far from Christian it's pathetic. You simply pound this BS into people's heads because the WT says that you MUST do this in order to have everlasting life. You're a selfish coward who has no respect for anyone's lives or opinions but your own.

    You give me the creeps.

  • anewme

    Atta boy Sonnyboy! What you need to do to move on is to vent your feelings! Express your outrage!
    Put words forth that explain your emotions!
    Pretend you are talking to a visiting couple of witnesses. They are being their usual proud (Ive got all the truth on my side and Jehovah and Jesus too) selves.
    Pretend instead of fleeing the house, that you actually stop and face them and tell them at least three reasons why
    you believe they are promoting a cult,
    you think their shunning is unduly cruel
    why you would never go back to their weird organization.

    I think the clearer you can be about your grievances the more prepared you will feel when you next are in their presence.
    Write down some words. Or express yourself here. Write a letter to a creepy person here. It may do some good to alleviate your fears by putting definite words to them.

  • mrsjones5


  • Finally-Free


    defd does accomplish a lot of good here though. His presence here is a constant reminder to us about the oppression and stupidity we have left behind. If anyone ever has a sudden but brief irrational urge to go back to the kingdom hall, they have only to read one or two of his posts before they're shocked back to their senses.


  • misanthropic

    As steve said: "It's not your conscience causing this, it is what you said. They make my stomach turn too. For me it like watching a twilight zone episode of robotic brain deads. It is frustrating watching the delusional. But, it's their problem. Unlike what we were taught - that we must impose our beliefs on other prople, - we don't have to."

    Sonnyboy I know what you mean and I have to agree with what Steve said. Even my own family makes me feel this way, I get really nauseous. I used to have all sorts of things to talk about with my parents. If I even hear from them at all I get "witnessed" to, but we can never talk about anything else or suddenly they act weird. I can't even remember the last time we had a "real" conversation about anything. It is kind of like the Twilight Zone, but not an episode I want to watch :(

  • sonnyboy

    You are all so wise. Glad to see I'm not the only one who feels this way.

  • jaffacake

    I was once an adventist & attended 'central hall' which looked like a typical kingdom hall. This year I made my one & only visit to a kh at the memorial.

    It was so weird because I expected a warm, sincere, christian reception, because I knew JWs doctrine was mostly inherited from my old religion.

    I was shocked at the top-show insincerity. There were no individuals, it was like walking into something like the stepford wives. They started giving me the sales patter. They ignored my comments/questions. When my lips stopped moving they knew they could talk again, not having heard a word I said.

    The handshakes and hand on the shoulder was to make the right impression - it was truly the most anti-Christian experience I have had, and so unexpected. The evening will live with me forever. Sorry if this offends, but that's how I feel.

  • Cognitive_Dissident

    :Write down some words. Or express yourself here. Write a letter to a creepy person here. It may do some good to alleviate your fears by putting definite words to them. --anewme

    I think that is great advice. I know I've done some ranting since I got here, and it has helped quite a bit. It's allowed me to organize the hundreds of thoughts that all bounce around inside my head when I start to think about the witnesses.

    When it comes to that feeling of nausea and anxiety, I can completely relate. What I think it is for me is this - Being raised as a witness I was constantly watching what I said and did, so that it would not be misinterpreted by another witness as having a "bad attitude" or evidence of some sin that needed to be dealt with by the elders. So for almost my entire life I never really relaxed and just let me be myself, I was always on guard, always worried that something I did was going to get me in trouble or "stumble" someone. And now, since leaving, I've discovered how wonderful it is to not have that constant worry, that people exist who DON'T judge. And when I'm around witnesses again, I start to feel that old tendency to talk and act a certain way creep in, and THAT'S what makes me feel nauseous and gross. Because after experiencing the freedom to think, speak and act without fear of unjustified punishment or reprisal, exposure to that mentality is a disgusting reminder of what I left behind.

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