Do JWs give you the creeps?

by sonnyboy 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • sonnyboy

    I'm not sure if anyone else has experienced this, but I've recently begun to get the willies when I'm around an active Jehovah's Witness. This didn't happen until after I started posting here.

    When I stop by my parents' house on a Saturday morning and the witnoids show up, I get a sinking feeling in my stomach....a mix between sickness, fear, and anger. I used to try and put on a happy face and be sociable when they came in, but now I just wave goodbye and as I'm walking out. They still smell like the Kingdom Hall. I simply can't stand being around someone who still believes in this crap.

    It sort of reminds me of how I felt about atheists and pagans when I was a was a disturbing feeling. Sometimes I want to yell at them or burn them with a torch like Indiana Jones in the Temple of Doom to wake them up.

    I have a feeling that one day I'll have no choice but to confront them...

  • Evanescence

    Don't let them get to you mate!


  • unclebruce

    You speak wisely but have a long road to travel grasshopper. There are many stages to go through in unwashing your brain. Anger, outrage, resentment, feeling empty and souless, murderous thoughts, trecherous revengeful plotting, rude disposition, etc.. best of all is when one finnally reaches the giddying height of SAI (Supreme Apostate Indifference ... ).

    climbing old unc .. who almost couldn't give a flying f..

    Wolf down the new ExJW Pizza: Supreme Apostate Indifference - now with lambrains

  • mtbatoon
    It sort of reminds me of how I felt about atheists and pagans when I was a JW.

    You sure you not transferring you emotions here? I wont get all deep with you because I'm making it up as I go but if your conditioned to think that there are these “others” out there that will cause you spiritual harm then this is a state that you've become accustomed to and emotionally comfortable with. You find out that the reality is in fact reversed, you've sorted out the facts but the feelings are still there to deal with.

    Personally when I see them I'm laughing inside or out.

  • PaulJ

    I havent been around JW's for some time now, especially since Ive been on here. I guess the fact i now realise how brainwashed they are would now be creepy to me. Im starting to feel sorry for them.

  • unclebruce
    Im starting to feel sorry for them.

    THHHHHWWWWACK! WAKE UP PAUL- that kind of thinking could drag you back in ... besides you're giving me the creeps .. lol

  • sonnyboy
    You sure you not transferring you emotions here? I wont get all deep with you because I'm making it up as I go but if your conditioned to think that there are these “others” out there that will cause you spiritual harm then this is a state that you've become accustomed to and emotionally comfortable with.

    That's a good observation. In reality, the JWs are the others because that's what they've chosen to become. I'm not sure how to control these feelings; when I'm near them I almost feel like they're hunters looking to take my family down. The trust I once had is completely gone.

    And UB, I'm not sure if it's so much that I give a damn about the religion. I just wish they'd leave my family alone. That's part of the anger.

    The other part comes from seeing them in such a sad state. It's almost as if they're sleepwalking with their plastic smiles and little tote bags, having no clue what they're really doing. I can't stand seeing someone in the dark like that.

    It's creepy to me, like Invasion of the Body Snatchers or Night of the Living Dead. I wish there was something I could do to wake them up.

  • sonnyboy
    I guess the fact i now realise how brainwashed they are would now be creepy to me. Im starting to feel sorry for them.

    It's getting more and more scary for me, seeing them babble in empty, witnoid tongue. I'm waiting for their heads to start spinning around.

    I guess I've seen one too many horror movies... "Pleasantville" also comes to mind.

  • unclebruce
    And UB, I'm not sure if it's so much that I give a damn about the religion. I just wish they'd leave my family alone. That's part of the anger.

    The other part comes from seeing them in such a sad state. It's almost as if they're sleepwalking with their plastic smiles and little tote bags, having no clue what they're really doing. I can't stand seeing someone in the dark like that.

    It's creepy to me, like Invasion of the Body Snatchers or Night of the Living Dead. I wish there was something I could do to wake them up.

    Yes, it's awsome how clear things get once you're out. Most here were at one time clueless zombies, cogs in the watchtower machine. I look back and feel embarrassed bigtime when I think of what goose I must have looked like to those on the outside.

    Unfortunately (a watchtower word that replaced the word "lucky") , there isn't a lot we can do to help most of those stuck inside other than play on their inherant cognitive disonance by living a happy life. You're being watched sonnyboy, so the best you can do is avoid looking like a rabid apostate by staying calm and rational whilst all about you is caos and b.s. Your reference to Body Snatchers/night of the living dead is very cool, afterall, the Watchtower Org. isn't after anyones money. They want something far more precious than that - nothing less than your mind, body & soul will do!

    best wishes, ub

  • defd

    I'm not sure if anyone else has experienced this, but I've recently begun to get the willies when I'm around an active Jehovah's Witness..................a mix between sickness, fear, and anger.

    All those feelings you are experiencing are normal for ones who LEFT Jehovah. The Bible says " It is a FEARFUL thing to fall into the hands of Jehovah." Im sure your conscience is playing a big part in those willies. It is trying to tell you something. Something like this maybe,

    "You know you have stumbled come back, come back!" I know this is wrong, but for some reason i cant get straight."

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