What type of movie?

by Legolas 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • HadEnuf

    Our local Hollywood Video has this plan where you pay by the month and get 3 movies at a time for 5 days...as many as you can watch or want to watch. This month, being laid up with a bad knee and spending more time off my feet; I probably rented over 25 movies. With this deal you can take risks and rent movies you might not rent if you were paying 3.95 per shot. SO...I have come to find out that I enjoy foreign films...and have learned to read the subtitles pretty fast so you can still enjoy the scenes in the movie.

    So actually...I really enjoy most everykind of movie...EXCEPT...very, very violent ones, horror movies that are TOO scary and movies with nudity and sex make me nervous. But I watch just about everything and my conscience doesn't bother me ONE BIT!!! so there you JW's!!!!

  • Insomniac

    GentlyFeral- if you liked Smoke Signals (excellent movie, by the way!) you might enjoy Dance me Outside. It takes place on a rez in Canada. It's sometimes funny, often upsetting, thought-provoking, beautiful. Hard to find, but worth it.

  • GentlyFeral


    you might enjoy Dance me Outside.

    You’re right - I did. Saw it several years ago.


    I hate a movie with a bad ending that leaves you sitting there wondering what was that!

    Oh, but I LOVE those. I love those French movies that end in the middle of a situation, wistfully. The 400 Blows, The Big Night (OK, that’s an American movie about Italians).

    gently f eral

  • MegaDude

    I like anything that's well made: westerns, documentaries, foreign, action, science fiction.

    The Shawshank Redemption is one film I like because it has so many analogies to the Watchtower experience.

    Lone Star directed by John Sayles is my favorite film about race relations and relationships.

    American Beauty moved me as much as the Shawshank Redemption.

    Favorite westerns: Unforgiven, The Wild Bunch, All the Pretty Horses.

    I particularly liked The Last Temptation of Christ, a what-if movie on what if Jesus was just a common, sinful man who was picked to be the Messiah. Wilhelm Dafoe's acting is superb in it.

    I particularly like Jeremy Iron's acting in Damage, a very good film about a man who meets passion for the very first time in life. Also good are Reversal of Fortune, The Mission.

    I really like William Friedkin's directing: The Exorcist, the vastly underated Socerer, Cruising, To Live and Die in L.A. All fairly gritty films.

    I think Alien, Aliens, The Terminator, The Matrix, are the best science fiction films ever made.

    I haven't seen that many good horror/suspense movies, but Seven is the tops for me. Frailty was quite good as was Dead Calm.

    Billy Bob Thornton as a director or actor: Slingblade, One False Move, Monster's Ball, All The Pretty Horses.

    Martin Scorcese, especially Goodfellas, Cape Fear.

    I loved the quirky Adaptation, about the trials and tribulations of a screenwriter.

    Some other favorites that you may have missed:

    The Third Miracle

    Touching the Void

    The Grey Zone

    Sexy Beast

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