What type of movie?

by Legolas 33 Replies latest jw friends

  • Legolas

    So what type of movie's do you like??


    Sci fi




  • talesin

    I love movies, of all kinds. Except the Carmen Miranda/Astaire-Rogers musical extravaganza types.

    Oh yeah, and Pulp Fiction, Reservoir Dogs,,, more blood than plot,, no thanks.


  • wanderlustguy

    Better to post the ones I don't like...

    Hate the stupid funny ones, you know, the ones with zero substance.

    I love good visual effects, but even more so I like the ones that are so close to real life, you are taken aback. Examples...

    Garden State, Lost in Translation

  • talesin
    Hate the stupid funny ones, you know, the ones with zero substance.


    Also, the sci-fi ones that are soooo bad,,, except for Starship Troopers, that was so bad it was FUNNY...

    (not that I'd watch it again, though, it wasn't that funny)

    How about you, Lego?


  • Legolas

    I like adventure,comedy, scifi, I don't like drama's.

  • Preston

    I like lots of movies...besides porn I dig:

    - Fred Astaire/ Ginger Roger Musicals (I don't know what Talesin doesn't like, their dancing is hypnotic)

    - Italian Horror (Dario Argento, Lucio Fullci)

    - Spaghetti Westerns (The Sergio Leone / Ennio Morricone collaborations)

    - David Lynch's American Surrealistic Films

    - Japanese Anime (Spirited Away, Akira)

    - B-movie noir (Charley Varrick, The Big Combo, The Big Heat, anything with Jimy Cagney or Barbara Stanwyck)

    - Grandiose Epics (Gone With the Wind, Lawrence of Arabia, The Godfather)

    - Russian Historic Epics (Alexander Nevsky, Andrei Rublev, Potemkin)

    - Everything else foreign (Fassbinder, Bergman, Fellini, Herzog, Mizoguchi, Bresson).

    ... and I love Musicals (West Side Story, Hedwig and the Angry Inch, My Fair Lady)

    ..oh yeah, and if it was directed by Tarkovsky or Kubrick its probably in my top 100.

    As for movies I don't like...Usually anything that has Hillary Duff in it.

    - Preston

  • luna2

    I don't like horror at all...movies like Resident Evil (furturistic zombie movie) or Poltergeist. Even stuff that isn't quite horror but is more along the lines of suspense I skip...stuff like that stranded in the ocean with sharks swimming all around (can't remember the name), or Dog Day Afternoon...I know it got critical acclaim, but to me it was like I was being held hostage myself. Blech! Oh, I felt that way about Deliverance too. Any movie where you go from one horrible situation to another and everybody either dies or is emotionally damaged at the end. That stuff doesn't entertain me at all.

    Most everything else I like, even silly musicals and Ester Williams movies where she emerges from under water with sparklers on her head. LMAO

  • talesin

    Preston,,, I love the dancing, it's the in-between pretending there is a story that bores me! I loved "Singing in the Rain", and "White Christmas", so there are exceptions.

    Oh, and the grand, sweeping epics ... I love all of David Lean's movies,,, he is the MAN! Favorites are Lawrence of Arabia, Ryan's Daughter, Tale of Two Cities, Doctor Zhivago

    Another favorite is the great Canadian director, Norman Jewison .. In the Heat of the Night, The Hurricane, Moonstruck, Agnes of God, A Soldier's Story, ...And Justice For All, Jesus Christ Superstar, to mention a few.

    Legolas, have you seen White Squall? Talk about adventure, that was a great flick! And don't you just love Judge Reinhold? He is too funny,, I don't know what it is about the man, but he just makes me laugh - that face! And any action with Wesley Snipes is a must-see ...

    Favorite horror,,, The Prophecy series with Chris Walken is so good, Nightmare on Elm Street ("What's the matter Joey? Cat got your tongue? lmao!), Rosemary's Baby , the Hitcher (ooooo, anything with Rutger Hauer is a must as well, remember that one where he plays a Vietnam vet, Blind Fury? Awesome!). I recently saw Carrie 2,,, it was really good, rent it if you haven't seen it!

    Hmmm, so, where is Shera? She is a movie fanatic, too. Hey, gurl, where are ya?


  • nowisee

    i love movies too. all types if they are well done and provoke me to think. usually i go for indies rather than big commercial films.

    most of all i love character studies.

    btw, wanderlust guy, i loved both the movies you mentioned....and i was sooooo looking forward to seeing broken flowers with bill murray tonight, as a sort of follow-up to lost in transation. but, alas, i did not like it and felt disappointed when it was over, almost ripped-off.

    the last movie i really enjoyed was "you and me and everyone we know". just quirky, funny and thoroughly enjoyable.

  • talesin


    If you haven't seen Entropy, you may like it. It's kinda old, so you probably have ... also Freeway with a young, pre-'star' Reese Witherspoon is excellent indie fare!


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