i want a tattoo!!!

by tsunami_rid3r 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • tsunami_rid3r

    i want it covering my left bicep, shoulder, and left boob. add a nipple ring on the left side too. maybe tribal, maybe a big ass snake, i dont know, something that expresses me, something artsy...ideas? maybe check out how my personality is at www.myspace.com/tsunamirid3r

    i like surfing, i like hippies, i like to party, i love music, love is great, i think asian stuff is cool because im asian. is that big of a tattoo a good idea? if im getting a tattoo itll be while im up in college. my dads cool with whatever i get because he wants one too but my mom is heavily against it.

  • katiekitten

    Get "I used to be a Jehoobahs Witless" tattooed across your forehead!

  • tsunami_rid3r

    no, seriously

  • kls

    You are only 18, if you want one start out small because once you get older you may not want what you have or wished you had gotten something else. Slow , you have the rest of your life .

  • katiekitten

    OK, seriously, get it tattooed across your ass!

  • tetrapod.sapien

    when i was 18, i had THE stupidest haircut.

    fortunately, hair grows back. that would suck to be stuck with it for the rest of my life.

  • tsunami_rid3r

    or i was thinking of getting one on my upper back. what should i get there? is that a good spot?

  • tetrapod.sapien

    your entire body is a bad spot.

    BTW, my haircut sucked when i was 19 too.

  • kls
    or i was thinking of getting one on my upper back. what should i get there? is that a good spot?

    Put a small one anywhere you like but make it small . All tattoo places have books for you to look through ,maybe there is something in those you would like.

  • kls

    Tetra, mann you got some big chompers

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