Alan F's flaming arguments and insults

by Rex 61 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • EvilForce

    Sorry but I have found AlanF to be both funny and quite in-depth when it comes to his posts. Does he demean the other poster? Possibly but it's part of the delivery. Much like George Carlin. I'd bet you'd get along fine with him if you were having a beer.

    AlanF...thank you for your posts here and keep up the good work. Rex/Shining...develop a sense of humor.

  • bikerchic
    I'd bet you'd get along fine with him if you were having a beer.

    You best bring your own, but other than that yes he is one of the most personable guys you'll ever meet.

  • EvilForce

    So Biker are you saying he's cheap....or doesn't drink? LOL

  • bikerchic

    Oh he ain't cheap.......

  • Satanus

    Maybe he drinks it all.


  • EvilForce

    Hmmm....Ok Alan fess up.....what's the deal? LOL

    I love a good debate over a beer. Even better I like taking the highly handicapped side and debate my way clear. I would think I could learn much from AlanF. Of course after an hour or two we'd debate our way into current events, sports, and other inane silly things after 6 (or more) beers.

  • DannyHaszard

    the JW as the articulated manipulator Danny Haszard's collected thoughts on the many facets of dubspeak

  • AlanF

    confusedjw wrote:

    : Call me a name Alan!

    I don't know you well enough properly to do that. But give me some ammunition.

    Quotes: You're spot on! I design microchips for a living, and it simply isn't possible to do that with the fuzzy, ill-defined, bumbling methods of dealing with reality of YECs, JWs and their ilk. Just imagine if aeronautical engineers took the Bible at its word and tried to fly space probes around "the circle of the earth". They certainly wouldn't get very far. Or if space scientists tried to figure a way to fire off space probes to the planets using the Biblical notion that the sun and planets really do orbit the earth. Yet that's exactly what YECs do with respect to geology and such.

    EvilForce: Fundies have no sense of humor when it comes to their ridiculous beliefs, because they know very well that some of their beliefs are ridiculous, and they have no defense for them. But it's not like with people who believe in, say, astrology, which is ridiculous but relatively innocuous. Belief in Fundamentlism affects every part of one's life, as with the JWs, and it really mucks up a lot of life, and I think most of them know it. When people get that invested in a ridiculous thing, and have wasted a huge amount of time and energy and emotion on it, they get pretty defensive when challenged. Especially when the ridiculous thing involves matters important to many people, like what happens to us when we die, where we came from, where we're going, etc.

    And yes, I do enjoy beer! We have some fine microbrews here in Fort Collins, like Odell's 90-Shilling Ale and Easy Street Wheat beer. Come here some time and let's have some!

    Bikerchic: You know me too well.

    Danny, I love the ostrich guy in your link.

    Now a bit of my philosophy: Yes, I try to mix humor with pointed commentary, because it entertains and instructs people who are open minded and have a sense of humor, and it pisses off their opposites. Occasionally the latter are actually motivated to think, and even to think hard enough about their ridiculous beliefs to change them. That's how I learned to jettison a lot of my ridiculous JW beliefs that were so ingrained from infancy that I didn't even think of them as JW-ish. I'd sometimes try to defend those beliefs in online forums where there were people far more knowledgeable than I, and when I got my head handed to me -- often quite humorously and/or pointedly -- I learned. I also learned from some good books written in that style. A number of former JW defenders have contacted me over the years and thanked me for whacking them over the head with the facts that allowed them to exit the JW cult. So I make no apologies for my style of posting to meatheads.

    Another thing: It's not "name-calling" to call a tree a tree, or a spade a spade, or a braindead Fundy a braindead Fundy. We will all agree that someone who insists that 2+2=5 is a meathead. If we want to show them why 2+2=4 by counting on our fingers -- "Here, meathead, look: Your index finger and your middle finger make two fingers, right? Your ring finger and your pinky make another two fingers, right? Now count them all together: one and one and one and one make four fingers, right?" -- and they refuse to look, then we have no choice but to label them braindead and a meathead. Calling them that is simply a description of what they do, and therefore is a demonstrable fact. Same thing goes for braindead Fundies who completely ignore the evidence given to them and refuse to deal with it, and then turn around and argue that they don't have to present evidence for their ridiculous claims. They're Fundies by admission, and they're braindead by demonstration. That's why my referring to the poster "scholar" as "scholar pretendus" is not name-calling, but a description of the way he operates -- via lies, misrepresentations and so forth, learned from his Watchtower masters.


  • itsallgoodnow

    Hee. this Rex/Shining One character is such a joke. I guess bible thumping YEC's have nothing better to do than spam every forum with their BS. What a waste of time that must be. I guess an unoccupied mind has nothing better to do than that. You can tell how smart this guy thinks he is. How sad.

    You go AlanF! Don't hold back. If you didn't tell them they are morons, who would?

  • Shining One
    Shining One


    I respect a woman who is not a backslapper and a toady...oops, just read your post again! Forget that, Watchtowerettes are sometimes just followers even after they leave the Borg. BTW, you have a real nice picture.


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