Any Buddhists here? My sister is interested...trying to get info

by Eyebrow2 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Eyebrow2

    My sister and I were talking, and she is interested in Buddhism (H or no H? I have seen it both ways).

    Anyhoo...I am looking up some temples in the area. I told her she should visit one if she is interested and do some reading. I was wondering if anyone here is now a Buddhist and has any recommended reading or anything I can tell her about?


  • rebel8

    I read some of Tich Nhat Hahn's books. They were good--a bit repetitive though. I probably spelled his name wrong, but you could find the books with google.

  • Terry

    Buddhists are mystics. "Truth" comes to them not from their senses grappling with the outside world; but, rather by pulling it out of some internal treasure chest they are born with.

    The part of their brain that keeps track of things such as you/me/others can be turned off at will so that the line is blurred and a sense of being ONE with the universe is experienced.

    Buddhists; what do they DO?

    They turn inward. It is all inside, you see. While inside they are everywhere. Presto!

    No rules, no meetings, no Satan and no God to worry with. I like that part.

    But, no science either. Only mysticism and the worst abuse of MEANING in language I've seen since being a JW. They only talk in vague conceptual terminology which you cannot pin down beyond metaphor. They speak and it "seems" to say something; but, what exactly? I dunno. They don't either. But, it doesn't matter, you see. Touchy-feely is soothing.

    I begrudge the world no Buddhist. I only abjure personally the mystical mumbo-jumbo that erases the rational mind from its role as a guardian of actual knowledge about the actual universe.

    There is only one real reality. All else is an attempt to escape.

    You cannot escape reality but you can turn your mind off and pretend to be one with all living things. But, don't forget to include headlice, intestinal parasites, scorpions, cancer cells and maggots from the living things you become one with. Can't pick and choose, ya know. Life is life. Man rises above when he actually employs his brain to cope and grapple with what EXISTS and wrests magnificent and useful products from raw materials to raise himself and others above a bestial level of mere existence.

    Look at the societies on Earth which have Buddhists sitting around in their state of bliss and ask yourself what their childcare facilities are like; how is their economy; how is their healthcare and banking and education handled? Will you find the superiority of their mystical philosophy worked out in a vastly superior societal benefit? Or, will you find grinding poverty, ignorance and starvation?

    Hmmmm, could there be a connection?

    Sorry to be a wet blanket.

    I wish somebody had shot straight with me when I first asked questions about the Jehovah's Witness paradise BEFORE I got in too deep.

    Take this with a sense of my caring and not an old cynical sourpuss spitting acid on flowers and incense.


  • Pole

    I wouldn't make a great buddist either, but EvilForce is one (I think), so let's hope he will notice this thread and help you.


  • logansrun


    Dude, I think I would like you if I met you in person, but sometimes you come across as one of the most pompous assholes I've ever encountered on this board. You're smart, but not smart enough to realize that there are different types of [fill in the blank] out there. In this case, Buddhists.

    You also neglect the good -- and by good I mean both emotionally and intellectually -- that can come from a philosophical system that is not entirely accurate. I agree that the foundations of Buddhism are grounded in a mystical world that I don't believe exists (believing in reincarnation and the transmigration of souls was as common as breathing air in the Buddha's day). But Buddhism is like a river and you totally fail to see how it's tributaries have progressed through the centuries. I don't consider myself a "Buddhist" per se, but I do believe there are tremendous philosophical and psychological insights that can come from a broad study of the many and varied world of Buddhist thought. Sure, a concept like "emptiness" will sound esoteric and nonsensical to the person who is unwilling to really investigate matters they do not understand and are prejudiced to. Personally, I find Buddhism, flawed as it is, the most profound of all the great world religions.

    For a good introduction to Buddhism from a secular perspective check out "Buddhism Without Beliefs" by Stephen Batchelor.


  • anewme

    I just recently finished a couple of nice books. One was supposedly written by the Dalai Lama called "The Compassionate Life"
    That was nice, pretty understandable.
    One I really liked was "After The Ecstasy, The Laundry" a practical application of Zen principles.

    But an eye opener book I just finished yesterday called "The Buddha From Brooklyn" shed light on the inner workings of the Buddhist temple. Or at least one temple. It was awful to read how a woman enslaved so many with her charismatic personality.

    For someone just coming out of the cult of Jehovahs Witnesses I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND NOT JOINING ANOTHER RELIGION TOO FAST. The reason being that many of the other religions are set up in similar fashion.
    There are men who are in charge (like elders) They tell the newly initiated what to wear, what to eat, to give their money to the temple, not to go to college, to work for the temple, not to think much of themselves. They discipline and sometimes verbally abuse and browbeat the novice into submission and obedience. There are all sorts of little laws (that will be revealed to you over time) regarding the use of your genitals (what you may do and not do with them).....the list goes on and on.
    It sounded like another cult to me darlin'.

    Until a person is strong enough to detect when anybody is stepping over the line and interfering with your head and your life too much, you are not ready to join another religion. Check it out and just be a guest for a long time. Look for hypocrasy and cultism. Make sure they are not worshipping a man or group of men or woman in some instances.

    We have been mislead. How much of that was our own gullibility????? We need to stay free of mind shackling ideas.
    Are they following men?
    Are they telling me what to eat, what to wear, when to worship?
    Are they interested in my sex life?
    Are they asking for my money?

    The alarms should go off!!!!! Stay away from these organizations!!!!

  • logansrun

    Generally speaking, Buddhism in the US is an individualistic pursuit. I would hardly liken it to actually joining a religion. In fact, some people question whether Buddhism even is a religion.

    Personally, I just wish people would worship me and be done with it.


  • EvilForce

    Eye....You have a PM.

    I always tell people to check out Taoism too if they are looking in Buddhism. Terry, it doesn't surprise me you think it's mumbo jumbo. The way your brain works isn't a good match with eastern spiritualism. And I'm not trying to demean you. To each their own.

  • Siddhashunyata

    "There is only one real reality. All else is an attempt to escape." ... Buddhism at its best.

  • Terry
    I don't consider myself a "Buddhist" per se, but I do believe there are tremendous philosophical and psychological insights that can come from a broad study of the many and varied world of Buddhist thought. Sure, a concept like "emptiness" will sound esoteric and nonsensical to the person who is unwilling to really investigate matters they do not understand and are prejudiced to. Personally, I find Buddhism, flawed as it is, the most profound of all the great world religions.

    Lotsa generality there and no specificity.

    Must be a reason for that.


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