What are your favourite vegeatables?

by greendawn 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    Oh, that sounds very tasty, Englishman! mmm

    Does anyone eat jicama? I've been wanting to try it, but have no recipes. I would guess it's good for stir fries.


  • Low-Key Lysmith
    Low-Key Lysmith

    I love most veggies. Cooked or raw but I prefer al dente. I cannot stand eggplant or any type of squash.(It's a texture thing) Asparagus is my favorite (stinky pee and all.) Corn is good too.

  • talesin


    Oh, I love corn (especially the peaches & cream variety), but can't eat grains.

  • Dimples

    I love veggies, green beans have always been and will ALWAYS be my favorite. Yummy!


  • tijkmo

    baked beans....

    i hate veg...and to think i would have only been able to eat veg....forever

    with only one wife

    i hate gardening too

  • Sparkplug

    talesin- jicama?

    take a jicama, peel, and cut into pieces. squeeze fresh lime onto jicama and sprinkle with cayenne powder. I don't think it is a stir fry thing...It is a salad thing. It could be a stir fry thing, I just have never heard of it. We eat it her all the time. Plus all the vegies. Love them. More so than meat.

  • 3rdEye

    I love carrots, green beans, broccoli, kale(raw), collards,bok choy,egg plant. Come to think of it there aren't many vegetables that I don't like, except spinach.

  • talesin

    Thanks, sparky! I was gonna pick one up today, but wasn't sure what to do with it, hehe.... I will give it a try!


    *lives to eat* class

  • Soledad

    My all time favorite is green beans sauteed with extra virgin olive oil, garlic and fresh dill. YUM!

  • Frannie Banannie
    Frannie Banannie

    I love all veggies, salad greens, etc., but these are a few of my favs.

    Fresh asparagus spears, stir-fried in olive oil for 20 mins. with sliced almonds.

    Summer squash casserole. Squash is steamed with a few baby carrots and pureed, mixed with cracker crumbs, eggs and cheddar cheese, poured in greased baking dish, topped with Italian bread crumbs mixed with Parmesan and baked at 375 degrees until toothpick comes out clean and casserole is golden brown on top.

    Fried eggplant. Slice large eggplant, layer in roasting pan, sprinkling each layer generously with salt. After a few hours, the salt will draw all the bitter black juice out. Squeeze each slice (you can squeeze 'em in stacks) and rinse a little. Dip in egg and dredge with flour mixed with a little garlic powder. Fry golden brown on both sides and lay out on paper towels to drain, coating each layer with a sprinkle of parmesan cheese. Good hot or cold.

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