Has anyone ever been to a Christadelphian meeting?

by twinkletoes 28 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sunspot
    I like organized religion. Well, the local church type anyway. They have great pot luck dinners, good rummage sales, and very good picnics. The people are very nice.

    Gary, I know you meant this "tongue in cheek", but there is a lot of truth in what you're saying, my friend. We live in a very small town and in out little local paper, there are always the picnics, band concerts, ice cream socials etc and I often wish I could be amongst them! Hell...the truth be known, I felt that way when I was still a JW!!!! Everything in the WTS had become SO "work ( field service) oriented" and less enjoying one another as people!

    Twinkletoes, you ARE free to go wherever your heart desires, and asking for advice is a good start! Getting a feel for what you may be getting involved in is something so many of us wish WE would have done at one time!!!


    Annie.......who adores your avatar!!!

  • Terry

    I spent about three months on the Christadelphian site (similar to this one) and had many engaging discussion with some very knowledgeable people there.

    I'd say the Christadelphians are better educated than JW's generally. I like the spirit of their Theology too.

    You can visit there:


    I'm sure my old posts are still there too if you want some fun


  • peacefulpete

    It has been a couple years since I last spoke with a Christadelphian but as I recall they use similar lingo as "The Truth" and "brothers and sisters". It creeped me out at the time, as I was unaware that other groups had such similar ideology. Since then I've learned that all churches have some sort of system of isolation and self adulation that superimposes the group's identity upon the individual's. Some are just more effective and therefore more controlling. The Christadelphians are very active in foreign missions as well. I'd say that the Christadelphians and the Seventh day Adventists are first cousins to the JWs.

  • ozziepost

    G'day Twink. 'Owyergoinmate?

  • RevFrank

    Why does one need to change their belief for another? How about just having faith in the Savior of the World?

    Where does it say that one must have a belief in anything? Or you must rely on a religion(s)?

    "And Elijah came to all the people and said, `How long will you falter between tow opinions? If the LORD is GOD, follow Him; but if Baal, follow him.` But the people answered him not a word."(1 Kings 18:21)

    And Christ said, "Then if anyone says to you, Look here is the Christ! or There.! do not believe it, for false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to decive, if possible, even the elect." (Matthew 24:23,24)

    Only man tells man we must have a belief or a religion(s). No where in scripture does it state that the right religion will save you.

    And just one more scripture as I leave......"Then they said to Him, What shall we do that we may work the works of God? Jesus answered and said to them, `This is the worf of God, that you believe in Him whom He has sent."(John 6:28,29)

    A thought...."Jesus said to them, `I am the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE, No one comes to the Father, except through Me."(John 14:6)


  • Youngpete

    Thanks for your question,

    Am a Christadelphian,therefore I have been in their meetings..I was sad to hear you thought of us being a cult..We are a sect of Christains world wide that still uphold the original,undiluted 1st century teachings....

    You can click here to read our statement of faith..please study it with the bible qoutations because our teachins are lied on the bible

    God bless..


  • Stephanus

    Christadelphians are a lot of fun. The ones I've known seem more sincere than Dubs, but equally rigid in adherence to the teachings of the founder (Thomas and Roberts, not Jesus! LOL).

    Say "Seed of the woman" to one, and you'll be in for hours of conversation.

  • dedpoet

    Hi twinkletoes,

    There is a Christadelphian church very near here, and I have met a few of them . The ones I have met seem very pleasant, sincere people, and they have thier own local website


    Click the link, look under Religious Groups, and you will see their site, and mine.

    They invite people to inquire about them through that. Personally, I have not been inclined to get involved with any other religion since leaving the jws, I really don't trust religion at all now.


  • Mary

    I've read up on them......alot of their beliefs are a mirror image of the Witnesses, which isn't really a suprise, as they are also an offshoot of the Advent movement.

    A couple of major differences is that they still believe the Jews enjoy a special relationship with God, not because of their own faithfulness, but because of God's promise to Abraham. I actually tend to agree with this.

    The other major difference is that they do not believe in a literal Satan the Devil. I got into it quite good with a member and I brought up every single passage in the OT and NT that shows there is a literal evil person called Satan. He disagreed and, like the Witnesses when faced with something in the bible that isn't part of their doctrine, they go into extremely lengthy detail, dissecting each and every word until it loses all meaning, in order to 'prove' their point. I was surprised that they don't believe in a literal Satan, but found out that neither do the Jews. They believe that the references in the OT to Satan, is metephorical, not literal. The Christadelphians have taken the same stand.

  • BluesBrother

    I have never attended a meeting of theirs. Are not they the ones who always stated "God willing" against any meeting invitation or poster? My mother had attended some of their meetings before she took up J W's . She always said that it was similar in many ways, and 'low key' compared to the church.

    Just think, If things had worked out I could have been brought up Christadelphian..... ?

    The link is to a discussion of the beliefs and practices. It does sound very much like J W ism. NB An elder of J W used the argument that they were the only ones who taught "The truth about the soul" I see that Christadelphians have similar teaching. I must remember that . They do not vote or fight either according to the link


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