Whoa! Topics are all heavy, time for some music fluff!

by talesin 91 Replies latest jw friends

  • talesin

    Johnny died one nite, died in his bed ....

  • talesin


    Everybody's workin' for the weekend!

    I love Loverboy! Mike Reno would be awesome in concert!



  • talesin

    Hey, K,

    "this could be the night, the night to remember, it's gonna last forever!"

    *sigh* doncha love 80's rock?


  • prophecor

    I'll take a copy of Coldplay. If the energy in the album is anything like they did on Saturday Night Live a couple of weeks ago, then I can't wait to get my hands on it. They're as awsome in live format as they are in the studio.

  • ignored_one

    I'm still listening to Nine Inch Nails - With Teeth. Still waiting for my copies of the latest single Only to arrive. Just waiting for the DVD single to come back in stock. I might just go and buy it locally and then cancel that part of the order.

    Found a torrent of the 5th July show at the Brixton Academy I went to earlier this month so i'm busy downloading that.

    Ignored One.

  • prophecor
    Def Leppard is one of my all time favs...

    What do you want? What do you want? I Wanna' Rock & Roll !!! Long Live Rock & Roll !!!

  • HadEnuf

    I listen to Tree of Woe. Yup. Definately. I have to. I'm their roadie and merchandise sales person. See...I'm NOT just a dumb house frau like you all thought.

    cathy l.

  • stillajwexelder

    I listened to Tree of Woe. And so did I, and damn good they were too -especailly acoustic

  • JH

    I love the CD

  • anewme

    Oooooohhhhhh! We are all on the same wave length tonight!
    I am working out to rock and roll tonight in the living room. I live in a remote canyon and I have the huge speakers cranked up. Hubby is out in the workshop. This is a dream lifestyle!!!

    ZZTop is sooooooo sexy!! So much testosterone!
    I still listen to Van Halen, old stuff, but it gets me to kick my legs up!

    Gotta go, this is a good one!!!

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